Chapter 20

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Ashton: okay :/ *drives off*

*later back in your house*

Calum's POV:

Calum: hey buddy. :)

Ashton: *doesn't hear Calum because he's thinking of your problems*

Calum: hello?!...

Ashton: yeah? *gets a shock*

Calum: hey, you alright?

Ashton: yeah. *sits on the couch*

Luke: what happened? :/

Ashton: nothing dude.

Luke: okay. *sits on the couch while thinking of you*

Ashton: Michael!

Michael: yeah?

Ashton: we need to talk.

Michael: ummm? *is confused*

Luke: is it about Y/N? :/

Ashton: no Luke...

Michael: yeah?

Ashton: remember that we have something on?

Michael: huh?

Ashton: we were suppose to go bowling! *lies and signals Michael to play along*

Michael: oh, yeah! I almost forgot about it.

Luke: oh? Can I join?! :)

Ashton: maybe next time?

Luke: alright.

Ashton: let's go! *grabs his car keys*

Michael: alright. *puts his shoes on*

Michael's POV:

*meanwhile in the car*

Michael: what is it?

Ashton: I already knew about Y/N's problem.

Michael: oh.

Ashton: why didn't you tell me?!

Michael: she told me not to. I'm sorry.

Ashton: does Calum know about it?

Michael: no.

Ashton: how could you?!

Michael: she told me not to tell you and the others! I felt bad for like not telling.

Ashton: it's fine. Oh my god. *sighs*

Michael: what's wrong?

Ashton's nothing. *stays silent*

Michael: okay.

Ashton: man! *gets frustrated*

Michael: woah! Calm down. *is a little scared*

Ashton: sorry. *takes a deep breath*

Michael: it's about Y/N isn't it? :/ *sighs*

Ashton: *stays silent*

Michael: I knew it. *sighs*

Ashton: I just can't! *starts crying*

Michael: what's wrong?

Ashton: nothing.

Michael: just tell me.

Ashton: Y/N has money issues but she doesn't wanna let anyone else know besides me.

Michael: SHIT! :/

Ashton: please keep this between us?

Michael: yeah.

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