Chapter 40

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Luke's POV:

*graduation day*

Luke: baby! :D

You: what?... *is still sleeping*

Luke: today's the day! :D

You: I know... *slowly gets up*

Luke: I'll help you. *helps you*

You: thanks. *yawns*

Luke: your baby bump is growing bigger :)

Calum: awww! :)

Luke: go get dressed! :)

You: alright! *is in the bathroom getting ready*

Jade: I'm here! :D

Calum: hey.

You: Jade, what are you doing here? *laughs*

Luke: Luke called me to do your makeup for you!

You: oh. *laughs*

Jade: are you ready yet?

You: no. I'm still trying to zip this shit.

Jade: here, I'll help. *helps you*

You: okay now I'm ready. Thanks.

Jade: sit.

You: okay. *sits down while Jade does your makeup*

Jade: close your eyes...

You: got it. *closes it*

Jade: almost done...

You: thanks :)

Calum: beautiful! :)

You: thanks :)

Ashton: wow! :)

Jade: done. Now it's time for your hair! :)

You: what?! *laughs*

Jade: curly or straight?

You: you know me :)

Jade: got it! :) *starts straightening your hair*

Luke: is the baby kicking you again?

You: *nods*

Luke: awww! :)

You: I'm tired! *whines*

Jade: Calum! *signals him to prepare some food for you*

Calum: oh! *goes into the kitchen and cooks something for you*

You: I'm so tired! *whines*

Calum: I got you. *passes you your breakfast*

You: thanks *eats it*

Calum's POV:

Calum: Y/N...

You: yeah?

Calum: don't you have a appointment today?

You: no. *lies*

Luke: Y/N!

You: I forgot to change the appointment.

Calum: why?

You: I don't want you guys to miss the graduation after party because of me :/

Luke: baby, you're way more important to us...

You: that appointment don't matter.

Michael: Y/N!

You: it's just to find out the sex of our baby!

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