Chapter 8

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Ashton's POV:

Ashton: what does the note say?

Luke: she needs her mom with her and that she's moving. :/

Ashton: moving?! :O

Luke: yeah! Don't let it happen please?! I love her! *bursts into tears*

Ashton: I won't. Luke, calm down.

Luke: I love her!

Ashton: I know. Luke. I know. *is cleaning you up a little while talking to Luke on the phone*

Luke: is she at her place or yours?

Ashton: hers.

Luke: alright.

Ashton: she's passed out so don't worry.

Luke: I'm coming over!

Ashton: dude! Just calm down!

Luke: what if she really left?! *panics*

Ashton: she won't! Trust me.

Luke: are you sure?!

Ashton: yes.

Luke: ok. *tries to calm down*

Ashton: I'm leaving Y/N's house now. *leaves*

Luke: bye.

Ashton: bye. *hangs up*

*later in the afternoon*

Your POV:

I don't know why. But I feel nothing. I feel like everything was taken away from me. I'm left all alone while my dad's in prison and I got no money or someone to depend on. :/ yeah. Sure u got the guys. But I can't keep taking advantages of them. I don't like using people. You thought, while you're crying while having a hangover. I don't deserve this!! "Mom, where are you when I need you?!" You shout at the top of your lungs while crying.

Luke's POV:

Luke: Ashton, how drunk was she last night?!

Ashton: very drunk.

Michael: would you just chill for a sec?! -.-

Luke: I've called her like 10 times and she's not answering.

Calum: same. :/

Michael: what's her number?

Luke: I am so not giving her number out to you. -.-

Calum: why?

Michael: maybe she would pick up my call cuz she doesn't know my number?

Calum: oh. Here. *gives your number out to him*

Michael: thanks. *tries calling you*

Luke: well?

Michael: she's not answering. :/

Luke: she just switched her phone off.

Ashton: calm down. I know you guys are concerned and protective of her. So am I.

Calum: of course! She's like our baby sister and of course, Luke's girlfriend.

Luke: uh huh. Yeah. -.-

Ashton: her phone probably ran out of battery.

Michael: probably.

Your POV:

*meanwhile back at home*

You: oh great. It's out of battery... *plugs your phone in to charge while checking all of the miscalls from the guys and texts from Luke*

You: wow... *calls Luke*

Luke: hello?

You: hey. Sorry for not picking up the calls from you guys :/.

Luke: are you alright?! *panics*

You: y-yeah.

Luke: are you crying? :/

You: n-no. *lies so that Luke won't be worried*

Luke: Y/N :(

You: sorry Luke :/ *hangs up while crying*

Luke: Y/N?! *panics*

Luke's POV:

*meanwhile back in Luke's house*

Luke: I got to do something! *puts his shoes on*

Michael: what's happening?!

Luke: she's crying!

Ashton: we'll be right over! *puts his shoes on*

Calum: wait for us! *drags Michael along*

Michael: let's go! *puts his shoes on*

*later at your house*

You: I don't see why I should be all alone when I can join mom. *shrugs*

Luke: Y/N?! *is knocking on the door*

You: Luke?! *shocked that Luke came on time*

Luke: Y/N! *uses the key to unlock the door*

You: h-hey. *fake smiles*

Calum: Y/N! *runs over to you and hugs you*

You: hey.

Luke: please don't leave?! *is begging you while crying*

You: I-... *faints*

Luke: let's get her to the hospital! *starts carrying you*

Michael: I'll get her shoes!

Luke: get that one instead! *points to your favorite black sneakers*

Michael: got it! *takes it*

Ashton: hurry! *opens the door*

Calum: she's in!

Ashton: let's go! *starts driving*

Luke's POV:

Luke: Y/N! Stop playing! Please wake up?! *starts crying*

Michael: calm down. *tries to calm Luke down*

Luke: I love you! Please don't scare me?! *begs*

Calum: Luke, she's burning up! :O

Ashton: I don't care if I get a speeding ticket! *speeds up*

Michael: woah! *gets a shocked*

*15 minutes later*

Ashton: we're here! *sighs in relives while he's all sweaty*

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