Chapter 44

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Your POV:

*a few months later*

You: Luke!

Luke: yeah baby?

You: have fun at work *smiles*

Luke: alright *kisses you*

You: bye. *is eating some food*

Luke: Michael, watch over her!

Michael: okay!

Luke: thanks buddy! *smiles*

Michael: no prob!

Luke: thanks. *leaves*

Michael's POV:

Michael: your tummy is so huge! :D

You: yeah I know... My son is growing bigger and bigger each day. *laughs*

Michael: yeah *smiles*

You: the baby is due next month from today.

Michael: WHAT?!! :D

You: ummm... Shit. No sorry. I accidentally blurted it out.

Michael: OH MY GOD!

You: don't tell Luke. He probably has work to do in the office.

Michael: Y/N, you have to tell him. He's your boyfriend.

You: I know... But...

Michael: yeah?

You: he has work.

Michael: I'm telling him. *is texting Luke*

You: fine. *sighs*

Michael: *texts in the group chat instead*

You: Michael!

Michael: the others deserve to know about it too!

You: *laughs* no!! They all have work! *playfully hits him*

Michael: Y/N! *laughs*

You: wait, don't you have to work?

Michael: I do. *starts gaming*

You: not that kind of work!

Michael: I get paid to just play video games.

You: oh.. *laughs* really?

Michael: yeah. *smiles*

You: you basically get paid to test out video games and play video games?!

Michael: yeah. *laughs*

You: awesome! :D

Michael: yeah. *is busy video gaming*

You: okay... Have fun. *goes to the kitchen to cook some food cuz you're still hungry*

*15 minutes later*

Michael: *pauses the game*

You: *is humming while trying to carry the food to put it on the table*

Michael: it smells so good! *turns around and sees you trying to carry the food and put it on the table*

You: hey.

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