Chapter 5

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Luke's POV:

Luke: She's out cold :/

Calum: let me just get her luggage in. *carries your luggage and puts it down into Luke's house*

Michael: good night. *leaves*

Calum: night mate!

Luke: night.

Ashton: Calum, do you need a lift home?

Calum: yeah. Thanks buddy. *gets into Ashton's car*

Ashton: we'll see you tomorrow. *yawns*

Luke: alright. Good night. *puts you gently down on his bed while he falls asleep on his couch*

*later in college*

Michael: how's Y/N?

Luke: she's still passed out.

Calum: oh :/

Luke: she's running a fever. *yawns*

Calum: oh my god :/

Luke: she's still passed out. I was up all night taking care of her. *yawns*

Calum: I'm more worried for her. I end lessons earlier so I'll look after her.

Luke: alright, thanks buddy!

Calum: no prob! :)

*bell rings*

Luke: well got to go. *yawns while drinking some coffee*

Michael: see ya later!

Luke: alright! *goes into the class*

*later after lessons end*

Michael's POV:

Michael: hey Luke!

Luke: hey? *is confused because he don't like Michael*

Michael: let's go see Y/N.

Luke: what?

Michael: I'm just worried for her.

Luke: alright. *walks home with Michael while Calum is already at his house taking care of you*

Michael: is she like your girlfriend?

Luke: no. -.-

Michael: okay... Just asking.

Luke: she and I are just really close friends. Like brother and sister.

Michael: got it.

*later back in Luke's house*

Your POV:

You: hey Luke... *smiles weakly*

Luke: Y/N! *runs to you*

You: hey. I'm fine. Sorry to worry you guys. :/

Calum: Y/N! You're not! You can barely move! *sighs*

You: I'm going to take a shower now. *slowly gets up*

Luke: be careful!

You: I will. Thanks guys. *sighs*

*15 minutes later*

Calum's POV:

Calum: I have never seen a guy hit a girl before.

Michael: welcome to reality. *sighs*

Luke: her dad loved her a lot. Until her mom passed away. *sighs*

You: guys, thanks and sorry for worrying everyone last night. *grabs your luggage*

Luke: where are you going? *is worried*

You: I don't know. I just can't keep on troubling any of you guys.

Calum: you're not. Trust us.

Luke: here's your homework. *passes it to you*

You: thanks. *starts doing it*

Luke: Y/N, just do it tomorrow.

You: we have lessons tomorrow.

Michael: it's Saturday! *laughs*

You: oh?

Luke: duh! *laughs*

You: oh.

Calum: it's the start of summer! :D

You: YES! :D

Calum: Y/N, be careful!

You: ouch! *squeals in pain*

Calum: I told you! *sighs*

Luke: does it still hurt? :/

Calum: Y/N! *helps you up*

You: I can't move so I guess I'm here.

*doorbell rings*

Luke: must be Ashton. I'll get it. *opens the door*

Ashton: how is she?! *is worried*

You: I'm fine. *slowly gets up while trying to not scream in pain*

Luke: Y/N! *helps you up*

You: I'm all better now. *fakes a smile*

Ashton: how are you? *feels your forehead to see if you have a fever*

You: I'm fine dad. *jokes*

Michael: what is going on?! *laughs*

Calum: it's a joke between us.

Michael: HEY! *gets jealous*

Luke: it's because both of us are the same age and Ashton is the oldest.

Michael: okay.

Calum: and she's the same age as us but her birthday is in December.

Michael: oh wow! :)

Luke: you are... *sighs*

Calum: Luke, come on! ;)

Luke: fine. You're just like our older brother.

Michael: YES! :D

Luke: I still don't like you.

You: Luke! Be nice!

Luke: fine! *rolls his eyes*

You: why do you hate Michael anyway? *is confused*

Calum: it's their thing. They just hate each other's guts.

You: got it. *laughs*

Luke: yup.

Calum: does it still hurts?

You: yeah.

Michael: why don't you call the cops on him?

You: I don't want to. He is my dad. :/

Luke: you don't have to. Because I did.

You: LUKE! *gets mad*

Luke: he hurt me too. *rolls up his sleeves*

You: why didn't you tell me earlier?! I am so sorry! *starts crying*

Luke: Y/N, it's alright. *hugs you*

You: does it hurt? :/

Luke: nah. *lies*

Michael: Luke! *helps him dress his wounds*

Calum: wow Michael :)

Ashton: they secretly love each other :)

Luke and Michael: no we don't!

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