Chapter 37

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Ashton's POV:

Ashton: need anything else?

You: nope. I'm good. Thanks.

Luke: Ashton, could you get me a bottle of water?

Ashton: go get it yourself!

Jade: hahaha!!!

You: Ashton! *laughs*

Jade: it's fine... Luke!!! *grabs a bottle of water from the fridge*

Luke: what?

Jade: catch! *throws it to him*

Luke: got it! Thanks! *catches it*

Michael: I'm so tired!

Calum: we got to study!!!

Michael: fine! *gets up and starts studying with the others*

Jade: hey don't forget about your appointment tomorrow!

You: you looked through my phone again?!! *sighs*

Ashton: what appointment?

You: it's nothing.

Jade: the gynecologist.

You: Jade!

Jade: Y/N! You need to go for your regular check-ups!

You: I know. But you don't have to like tell Ashton! I could just go alone.

Ashton: wait, you have a appointment tomorrow?

You: *nods*

Jade: I could go with you.

You: don't you have to babysit those brats?!

Jade: oh yeah! Shit! I totally forgot about them again! *whines*

You: typical Jade! *laughs*

Ashton: you better get going now. *laughs*

Jade: I could stay a little longer!

You: you've gotten like 20 miscalls from your parents! *is looking through Jade's phone*

Jade: HEY!!!

You: just tell them that you had a sleepover at my place!

Jade: like I don't know that! Alright got to go. Bye! *leaves*

Your POV:

You: typical... *laughs*

Ashton: what time is your appointment?

You: it's fine Ashton, I could go alone.

Ashton: I could go with you!

You: no! You have to work tomorrow!

Ashton: just tell me what time is your appointment!

*phone beeps*

You: it don't matter. I could go alone. You got work.

Ashton: it's at 1pm?

You: Jade texted you? *sighs*

Ashton: *nods*

You: Ashton, I could always go alone.

Ashton: it's okay. I'm applying for leave right now. You're my best friend. You're way more important.

You:awww! :) thanks daddy *hugs him*

Ashton: too bad Luke and the others have exams until 3pm... :/

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