Chapter 9

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Luke's POV:

Luke: hang in there! I got you! *carries you into the hospital*

*2 hours later*

Calum: how is she?! *panics*

Doctor: she's badly injured...

Luke: yeah :/

Doctor: she is out of danger. But...

Michael: yeah??

Doctor: she's on drip right now. Because we don't know when she'll wake up.

Ashton: what?!

Doctor: we can't predict when she'll gain conscious.

Luke: NO!!! :/

Michael's POV:

Michael: Luke, get a grip.

Luke: NO! The love of my life is unconscious and it's all my fault! :(

Michael: woah... *sighs*

Calum: Luke, we all know that you like her. But you got to chill.

Luke: guys, I love her!

Ashton: we know, Luke. We know.

Doctor: visiting hours are over.

Luke: alright. Thank you. *leaves*

*later back in Luke's house*

Ashton's POV:

Ashton: Luke, would you stop crying?! :/

Calum: Ashton! *signals him to shut up*

Michael: hey, I got something to tell you.

Luke: not now Michael :/ I'm not in the mood.

Michael: I'm going to tell you anyway.

Luke: what?

Michael: she really needs us right now. Especially you. So stay strong.

Luke: thanks.

Ashton: Luke, she's strong. I'm sure she'll gain conscious soon.

Luke: thanks guys... *sits on the couch*

Ashton: why did she go on a hunger strike when she knows that she has low blood sugar?!... *sighs*

Luke: Ashton, she had no mood to eat. :/

Ashton: I know :/

Luke: I just wish that she'd wake up :(

Michael: she will. *hugs him*

Calum: take a nap.

Luke: no!

Ashton: you look tired. Just go to sleep.

Luke: I can't!

Michael: Y/N would want you to sleep because she'll feel bad for keeping you up all night.

Luke: fine. *slowly falls asleep*

Ashton: poor Luke :/

Calum: Y/N meant a lot to him. And us. But mostly him. :(

*later at 2am*

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