Chapter 11

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*the next day*

Your POV:

Luke: how are you? :) *gives you a bouquet of flowers*

You: thanks Luke :) I'm fine.

Calum: do you like them?

You: love them! :)

Calum: we can go now :)

You: great. *gets up*

Luke: I brought your favorite sneakers.

You: thanks. *puts them on*

Calum: let's go?

You: yeah. *leaves with the guys*

Luke's POV:

Luke: Y/N?

You: Luke, why did you prank call me last night? *laughs*

Luke: I didn't. It was Michael.

Michael: sorry. I accidentally butt-dialed you. *lies*

You: oh? That number was yours?

Michael: yeah.

You: cool. *saves his number*

Michael: are you ok?

You: yeah. Thanks.

Ashton: we're here. :)

You: thanks. But is it cool if you wait for me for just like 20 minutes?

Ashton: why?

You: I mean, it's okay if you guys are busy. *goes into your house with them following close behind*

Ashton: oh no. I don't have anything on, so yeah. I'll wait.

You: great. Thanks dad. *jokes*

Ashton: no prob, baby girl. *jokes*

Michael: wow!

Calum: it's a joke! *laughs*

*20 minutes later*

Your POV:

You: all done. *grabs your bag while wearing your sunglasses and your favorite shirt over your bikini*

Ashton: so what are you doing again?

You: Ashton, could you please drive me to the beach?

Ashton: sure. *grabs his car and leaves with you and the guys*

You: I'm just going to the beach to have some fun.

Calum: oh?

You: yup. You guys don't have to come. I'll be fine alone.

Luke: can we come? We could just watch you.

You: sure. *is applying sunscreen on your body*

Ashton: we're here. :)

You: perfect! *starts taking your shirt off before going into the sea*

Michael: woah! :O

Luke: stop looking at her boobs! *smacks him*

Calum: Michael! *gets mad*

Michael: sorry.

Ashton: typical Michael... *smacks him*

Luke: I found a spot! :) *sets up the mats*

Michael's POV:

Michael: my house is nearby so I'll just change when I get home. *takes his shirt off before joining you in the sea*

Luke: hey!

You: hey Michael! :D

Michael: let's have some fun! :D

You: yeah! *starts playing with Michael*

Michael: stop splashing water at me!

You: make me! *laughs*

Michael: come here! *grabs you from behind and starts playing*

Calum: look at how happy she is! *laughs*

Luke: oh no he don't! *takes his shirt off before joining Michel and you*

Michael: hey Luke! :)

Luke: hey Y/N! :)

You: this is fun! *laughs*

Ashton: when is he going to realize that he doesn't have extra clothes and underwear? *laughs*

Calum: I have no idea. *laughs*

Michael: come and get me! *splashes more water at you*

You: Michael! *laughs*

Luke: hey! *splashes water at you*

You: stop bullying me! *fake cries*

Luke: oh my god stop! I am so sorry... :/

Michael: hahaha! *splashes water at Luke*

You: hahaha! Got ya! *attacks Luke with water*

Luke: I'm gonna get ya! *grabs you from behind*

You: let go! *laughs*

*1 hour later*

Ashton: are they still having fun?! *laughs*

Calum: uh huh... *laughs*

You: what are you guys laughing about? *sits beside Calum*

Ashton: nothing. We were just talking about you.

You: oh? *laughs*

Ashton: yeah. *passes the bath towel to you*

You: thanks. *takes it*

Ashton: what do you think of Michael?

You: he's so cute, funny, adorable, weird.

Calum: oh :) *smirks*

Ashton: and what about Luke?

You: he's like my best friend and my older brother. Why?

Ashton: oh.

You: yeah, Luke means the world to me. He is special.

Calum: so you like Michael?

You: yeah, as a friend. Why?

Ashton: wow. *sighs in relive*

You: why does Luke even like me though?

Calum: you knew?! *gets a shocked*

You: yeah, I kinda knew that a long time ago.

Ashton: why didn't you say anything?! :D *gets excited*

You: I don't know. He's a nice guy and like I don't want things to get awkward between us because he's my best friend.

Calum: so you'll date him?

You: maybe. But I don't think so. :/

Calum: why?!

You: because, what if we got together then broke up? It'll be awkward if we still remain as friends or even see each other and stuff.

Calum: wow!

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