Some Answers

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Alexis's P.O.V.

"Alexis, Adam, are you two almost ready to go?" Daddy calls from downstairs. I look to Adam who adjusts his bow tie, "Yeah daddy!" I grunt struggling to tie the ribbon on the back of my dress. I jump feeling someone do it for me, my nerves settle seeing its just Adam. I smile as he pulls away, "Thanks Adam."
"No problem sis," he smiles back, we go downstairs daddy sweeps me up spinning me around, "Look at my princess, I knew you'd look beautiful in the new dress," I giggle once he sits me down, "And my young man, looks just like me at his age but with his gorgeous green eyes," Adam smiles and looks down shyly. Daddy smiles a bit grabbing the keys.
"Is everyone ready to go?" Mommy nods as Andrew tries to grab her hair, daddy smiles, "Lets go then."
The car drive to grandpa's is always pretty boring, "Daddy, can we listen to "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman"?" "Of course we can sweetheart, uh Cindy, Love, the CD-" "Right here honey," Mommy puts it in. "Thank you snookum bear, I swear I'd be lost without you," mommy laughs at daddy, "Oh? And what was your first clue?" Daddy laughs and continue driving. I end up falling asleep but so does Andrew, I am shaken awake by daddy.
"Rise and shine sleepy girl, we're at grandpa's house," daddy whispers, we trade smiles then I climb out. I'm immediately greeted by grandma, she hugs me tight.
"Hi grandma!" I cry happily, she smiles, "Hi sweetie, how have you been?" I want to ask her about the strange man so badly but I don't, she probably wouldn't know him anyways, next I see grandpa, I smile and hug him.
I'm tall enough to almost reach his tummy but not just yet, "Hi grandpa!" "Hello Alexis," he smiles at me, next Adam gets hugs then mommy and daddy then we all can finally come inside which let's me start looking for my clues.
But as I walk to the stairs, daddy stops me, "Baby girl, where are you going?" I need an excuse and fast, "I wanna go see Uncle Brian, he still lives here doesn't he?" Daddy raises a brow at me, "No honey. He hasn't since you were 4, we'll go see Uncle Brian and Uncle Drake another day, today we're visiting grandma and grandpa, so please come away from the stairs and over here," I pout but obey daddy and sit next to Adam. As all the adults talk and Adam amuses Andrew so he doesn't interrupt the adults. I see my perfect chance, I get on all fours and crawl over, daddy catches me though, "Alexis, what are you doing this time?" I think quickly, "I'm getting a drink daddy, I'm thirsty," "Did you ask?"
Before I can reply grandma scolds daddy, "Ross, they're our grandchildren, they don't need to ask to get a drink, especially if they're thirsty," as grandma and daddy start defending both of their sides I tip toe to the stairs. They go really far up, I gulp and grab the railing and walk up slowly.
It felt like it took forever to reach the top but I get there finally. First thing was to find out where grandpa would keep secret things. I know the rooms on the right side are empty cause they all were Daddy's, Uncle Drake's, and Uncle Brian's rooms, so they're probably the rooms on the left. So that's where I start.
The first door I open is grandma and grandpa's room, I sigh and open the door to the next room, I think daddy calls it grandpa's office.
I'm not supposed to go in there but this is the last room, so I sneak in and quietly close the door. Now I can start searching, I walk over to the desk first and open the first drawer. I find a notebook so I sit down and start reading what's on the pages.
"I think I've finally done it, I've found a way to be rid of Hyde forever. Now I just have to find him, especially before he hurts anyone, I'm sure we'll cross paths soon so I'll have to keep it close to me." I read out loud, why would grandpa want to get rid of Hyde? Who IS Hyde? Why would he hurt someone?
I thumb through the pages but I find nothing else, so this must be a new one. I sigh putting it back, next I look in the bottom drawer but all I see is a box, I pull it out and open it. It's full of needles and there's a few bottles full of this red liquid. I pick one of the bottles up to inspect what's inside, what is it? Is it blood?
No, grandpa wouldn't need blood, only vampires would, unless.... Its grandpa's blood and the Hyde guy is a vampire and grandpa is gonna use his blood to lure him to get rid of him. That makes sense! So I guess that means Hyde was the strange man, but vampires are supposed to have red eyes and the strange man had green.
I sigh, this is complicated, I put the box back after closing it then go to the bookshelf. I'm not big enough to reach the third shelf, so I look at what I can. I grab a really huge and heavy book. I'm not able to hold it for long so it lands on the floor with a small thump, I start looking through the book, it had been written in a really long time ago, like when daddy was little. I look through this one and see grandpa's notes. They all seem to be talking about separating the good side of man from their bad, and at the end there are notes of when grandpa did the test and....... it was successful.
I'm a bit scared now, is that who 'Hyde' is? Is that the strange man? Was the box full of the liquid used to do the test? I want to know more but I hear daddy's voice from down stairs, "Alexis Rose Harper Jekyll, get down here!!" Daddy sounds mad, I put the book on the shelf again and I run downstairs.
"What were you doing up there young lady? You know going up there alone is a no no. You hear me a no no. You could've been hurt!!" Daddy scolds harshly. I never like it when daddy yells at me, I sniffle wanting to cry. "Ross, calm down, she's a five year old, she couldn't have gotten into that much," grandma says soothingly, holding her arms out to hug me. I accept it still wanting to cry. Daddy sighs, I look up to grandpa, I want answers and its eating at me.
"Grandpa?" I ask, my voice cracking a bit, he looks down st me, "Yes Alexis?" I bite my lip, no going back now. "Grandpa, is...... is 'Hyde' the strange man Adam and I saw at the park?" I ask, all the adult's faces pale. "Alexis," starts grandpa, "how do you know Hyde?" "Who told you about him?!?" Daddy shouts slightly, his sentence sorta overlaps grandpa's. I look down, "I read it in grandpa's notes...."

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