Unfixable Trouble

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Alexis's P.O.V.

My eyes not once leave Mr. Hyde, especially not once he starts circling where daddy and mommy sit. A chuckle leaves his lips though his face wears anger, his lips in a truly sinister, evil smile.
"Oh yes, I remember taking your mother quite well Alexis, especially for the fact that she wouldn't shut up, though there was a very funny part," I look up, clinging closer to grandma. I'm really scared now, I take a gulp of air.
"Wh-what was the funny part, M-Mr. Hyde?" I can't understand how it would be funny, even in the slightest. His eyes watch me for a moment before they travel to mommy again. He leans down closer to mommy, "Hearing her beg and plea of course. Its always the best part, I'm almost tempted to make her do it again."
Mr. Hyde's eyes go to me then to both of my brothers, mommy must've followed them because she immediately started talking, "Please, please don't hurt our kids, please," she begs. I have a bad feeling in my tummy.
Mr. Hyde however just smiles at mommy's pleading, his eyes drift to daddy next, "But I believe my favorite part was seeing how frantic your dear old daddy got afterwards, it was pathetic," daddy snarls at Hyde, "Oh bite me Edward! You wouldn't understand that fear because you don't care about anyone!" Hyde's eyes narrow, they look over to me and grandma before he smirks, "I think I'd rather bite your wife, Ross, leave a few 'love marks'."
Daddy again tries standing but mommy pulls him down again, "Ross, Ross please no. Not right now," she whispers. Daddy sighs but stays still, but he does lean in close to Mr. Hyde's face, threatfully, "You have ten seconds to get away from my wife you bloody twit."
Mr. Hyde smirks but does and continues his circling, "Lets see, what other stories can I tell bratty little Alexis and Adam?" he wonders out loud, "Oh I just remembered a good one, you kids will love it. Once upon a time," he starts glancing between me and Adam, giving it a mocking beginning that'd belong to a fairy tale, "there was a stupid man named Henry," he pauses, glancing to daddy, "He was foolish enough to let me have control and I ended up stabbing your grandmother, leading her almost to death. Your bratty uncle Brian had called the police and they let him stay with your daddy. Here me and Henry were saying we'd turn ourselves in but daddy over here told us not to all because he actually believed things would get better," Mr. Hyde's eyes stay on daddy before finding their way to my brothers, "I even think that's where I saw your annoying, twin brother for the first time."
Adam hugs Andrew closer leaning closer to mommy. Hyde smiles satisfied, "In fact he's partially the reason I'm still here, and the reason you two may not make it to the day you're 16," I never have been so scared, I hide in grandma's shoulder starting to whimper, just a little.
"I guess he cares more about his own daddy dearest than you brats, not that I'm too surprised. Jekyll's clearly the better choice out of snot nosed, whiney, spoiled crybabies,"

Ross's P.O.V.

I could feel my blood boiling at Hyde's comments. Of course I love dad but truth be told I don't think I could love him more than my own children. I finally couldn't just sit by and let this go on. Despite Cindy tugging on my shirt begging me to sit back down I do the complete opposite and stand up, "Shut up, Hyde! I could love nothing more than my children and my wife, your talk is all lies!" "But is it?" Hyde asks his irritating little smirk staying right where it is, "Of course it is!" I shout taking steps closer to Hyde, "I know a heathen like you wouldn't know the first thing about loyalty so let me explain it to you," I first point to Cindy who's watching me and Edward in fear, she finally has taken both of our boys to on top her lap, "I am married to her which is a bond that shouldn't ever be broken. Upon marrying her I swore to protect her and be there for her no matter the consequence," I next point to my poor scared baby girl, "Those kids are a result of an excellent marriage, and part of parenthood is always putting them before you and above all love them unconditionally, I have successfully done all those things and I'll never stop," I expect Hyde to stand in shock or something along the lines of that but he only continues to grin at me as if I said nothing, "If that's true answer me this, why tell us not to turn ourselves in? You knew things wouldn't ever get better," "Because my father is an innocent man, it wouldn't be right for him to be punished!" I watch as he turns, to look at my daughter, "What about when I took her? Could you do nothing but panic? Leave it to Jekyll?" I look to my daughter with shame, it furthers after what she asks.
"Is that true daddy?"

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