Getting To Know Mr. Hyde

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Alexis's P.O.V.

Mr. Hyde looks around to everyone, his eyes lock on Grandma first, he smiles a bit, grandma sighs but appears calm other wise. Next his eyes go to daddy making his smile widen, daddy however glares harshly at him. His eyes go to mommy but she's talking to daddy in whispers, trying to calm him down but her eyes are on Adam and Andrew. Hyde follows Mommy's gaze to Adam, Adam is holding Andrew close to him still trying to distract our baby brother with a stuffed hippo
Mr. Hyde doesn't seem to pay much attention to him though. Suddenly he stands up getting closer to me and grandma, daddy moves to get up too but mommy gently pushes him back down. I put all my focus on Mr. Hyde now and his green eyes especially. They've change shades, almost looks like they got darker, he stops in front of me and grandma, his lips playing between a smile and a smirk.
"So you want to know what I've done to everyone?" I remain motionless still looking at him for a few seconds before nodding, "Y-yes please," I answer as I lay my head on grandma's chest, her beating heart soothing me a little. He taps his chin in thought.
"Well let's see..... I've stolen your mother before, while she was pregnant with you and your brother," his eyes travel to mommy for a minute or two, mommy shutters, clinging to daddy as he wraps his arms around her protectively.
A faint laugh escapes him before turning his gaze back to me, "I've almost killed your grandmother twice," his eyes focus on grandma, I look up to her as well. Grandma only sighs and pets my hair. The happy twinkle in Hyde's eyes fades slightly, like he's not happy that he almost killed grandma.
Regardless, he continues, "Hmm..... I've sent your Uncle Drake to the hospital before because he wanted to protect Brian," it's daddy's turn to shutter which brings the excited gleam back to Hyde's green eyes. "I've sent Jekyll to the hospital, I've killed one of his closest friends in fact which is who he visits when he goes to the cemetery, I've hurt Brian multiple times, but the little pest is too ignorant to go to the hospital," Hyde grumbles the last part.
Daddy goes to stand up again but mommy holds him back making him sit back down, I think he doesn't like the way Mr. Hyde talks about my uncles.
Grandma hugs me closer, "Edward, that's enough, please stop before you and Ross get in a fight in front of these kids," Hyde grins wider, more sinisterly, "We've been over this Emma, I do what I want," grandma takes her turn to glare at him, "Please Edward. I'm not joking," "Neither am I. You aren't in any position to boss me around," grandma sighs again, "Edward, please," she whispers, Hyde smirks, "You know that never works on me, lovely."
Grandma shivers and holds me closer, Mr. Hyde smiles satisfied and looks over to Adam again, Adam has finally been drawn in with interest looking up to Hyde, still clutching our baby brother close. Another extremely quiet chuckle leaves Hyde's lips, he walks away from me and grandma and to daddy and mommy.
His expression looks slightly bored now, he looks over to daddy who only glares coldly holding mommy closer, "You should've told them sooner ya know," daddy growls, "Yeah, tell them about their grandfather's murderous half and give them night terrors, brilliant. Sorry Hyde but I think I know more about raising kids than you, you don't have a single fatherly instinct in you," daddy sneers. I hold my breath watching Hyde, uneasy of what he'd do.

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