The Next Morning

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Alexis's P.O.V.

I wake up to someone shaking me, I groan softly, "What?" "Al, c'mon, it's time for breakfast," I whine trying to escape Adam's hold to roll onto my side but as soon as I manage that he hops up next to me shaking me more. "Alexis, c'mon, grandma wants you up!! The weekend doesn't last forever you know!!" I try gently to push him away, I don't want to hurt him but I don't want to get up either.
"Adam, stop it," I say finally rolling onto my back in defeat. He laughs happily.
"Are you up now?" "I guess I have to be," I reply playfully, I sit up making him laugh more, "What's so funny?" "Your hair! It's a wild mess!" "Not as bad as yours!" I exclaim before ruffling his hair. As we both laugh someone else comes in. Adam smiles, "Morning grandpa!" this was enough for me to stop laughing, I look up at him trying to decipher if it is grandpa or Edward. Whichever it is, he smiles, (not that it helped me any, they both can smile that way if they really want to) and picked us both up gently setting us on the floor carefully, "Emma's waiting downstairs, you two better hurry, Drake's coming over and he's awfully hungry," we giggle running down and hug grandma, she returns it, "Good morning sweethearts, did you two sleep well? Were the beds comfortable?"
"Yeah!!" "I liked the bed! It was a lot of fun!!!" Adam and I chirp. Grandma laughs a little smiling and kisses our foreheads, "Well, go on an sit down you two," Adam and I race to the seats sitting in the ones we always do, the middle two. Grandma then brings us both a plate over each with one cinnamon roll on them. We take a bite at the same time and hum in happiness, they're really, really good!
Grandpa joins grandma and they kiss, it reminds me of a fairy tale! That could be my life!! I'm the princess, Adam and Andy would be princes, daddy would be king, mommy would be queen, Uncle Drake and Brian and Auntie Martha and Isabelle would be princes and princesses and Grandma and Grandpa would be the previous king and queen! I giggle at the thought. Just then the door bell goes off grandma smiles insisting she'll get the door.
Once she opened the door I squealed happily hopping off my chair and running to the man, "Uncle Drake!! Uncle Drake," he grins down at me, "Well, well, hello little miss, I wasn't expecting to see you here today," I giggle, "You did too!" he continues to play with me.
"Ah, you're right, such a smart girl, I must be psychic," I laugh shaking my head, "Noooooo!" "No? Huh I must be able to read minds and see into the future then," "That's the same thing!" Adam exclaims from his seat. Uncle Drake grins over to him, "Really now, hmmm, I wonder how I knew then..." "Grandma told you!" we both cry in a fit of giggles, uncle Drake is always so funny. He smiles chuckling softly, "Oh that's right, she did!" I giggle and he finally bends down holding his arms out open for a hug. I gladly give him one and Adam dashes to do the same. Once it had been a few seconds we pull away.
Uncle Drake looks to Grandma and Grandpa next, "Hi mom, dad," "Hi honey," Grandma greets sitting down "Hi Drake, how have you been?" "Tiiiiiiiiiired," Uncle Drake whines jokingly. Grandma and Grandpa both laugh, "Parenthood isn't as glamorous when you have to deal with the midnight bottle feedings and diaper changing, huh?" Grandpa teases with a smile that I don't think Hyde could ever pull off. 
I pull away from my thoughts at Uncle Drake's reply, "Not at all, doesn't help that it isn't even midnight when she cries, it's four-thirty and six," again the adults laugh, "It's the hardest job you'll ever love baby," Grandma says offering a kind, motherly smile. "Can we see pictures Uncle, please?" Adam pleas, our uncle smiles dragging out his phone, "Of course, little angels," he coos slightly and bends down showing us pictures of our little cousin, Rain. She was born a little while after Andy, "Why does she have red in her hair?" "Her mommy has red hair," "But what about the blue eyes? You and Auntie Karen have brown eyes," I ask tilting my head confused, the only people I knew with blue eyes were Grandma and Uncle Brian.
Uncle Drake laughs, "All babies start out with blue eyes, I did, your daddy did, you two did, its just the natural order of things," he explains ruffling my hair, I pout fixing it back. Uncle Drake then sits down talking to the adults, Adam and I go back to eating. When I finish I go to put my plate in the sink, "Alexis, may I speak with you upstairs in my office please?" Grandpa asks, I smile and nod rushing up beging him.
We go into his office, he pulls out two chairs, and sits in one, I climb up in the other. "What's up, Grandpa?" I ask swinging my feet as I admire the large room, he sighs, "Alexis, you are the only one that knows Hyde was in control yesterday, right?" "Yep!" I chirp, "Mmhmm, and did he say anything to you or give you anything?" I open to tell him about the note until I see the green in his eyes, it disappears only for a moment as I'd it were a playful wink or warning sign not to tell. I quickly shut my mouth and shake my head, "No, not at all!!" Grandpa arches a brow at me, "You're sure, you aren't lying to me, are you?" he asks, suspicious found in his words, I quickly nod, "Yep!! All he told me was that we were playing a game! Oh by the way, would you mind asking him if I did a good job at the game?" Grandpa struggles to keep himself calm.
"A game? What do you mean a game, Alexis?" "A game of pretend. He told me to pretend he was you," I explain growing a bit confused, what was wrong, it was just a harmless game, right? Grandpa gently grabs hold of my shoulders, my brown eyes meeting his which have a medium sized ring around the pupil, "Alexis, don't you ever, ever listen to him again, ok?" seeing how serious Grandpa is scares me. I don't understand what is so wrong with a little game, I wasn't hurt, neither was anybody else. Regardless, I nod, "Yes sir........" "Good, thank you," he got up with his back turned to me. I shifted nervously and awkwardly, "C-can I go back down now and play with Adam in the yard?" "In a moment, there's one final thing I want to tell you," he says his voice in a growl. He turns and it's then I see his eyes a nearly a perfect green color, the only thing that stopped it were brown specks doting up in very little places, "How dare you tell him?" Edward growls out clearly unhappy.

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