Mr. Hyde's True Self (And Maybe Some More Fake)

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Alexis's​ P.O.V.

I whimper, as Mr. Hyde's eyes narrow dangerously, "Are you going to answer me or stare at me with fear?" he demands, shouting I wince sniffling, I knew Mr. Hyde was grumpy but not this bad. "Answer me!" he yells, "H-he asked me," I whimper out, "And? You decide to spill everything? Are you that stupid?? Why did I bother thinking you, the mere child of an idiot could keep this inside?" he grumbles the last part. I pull my knees to my chest trying to stop the tears but I can't.

Edward's P.O.V.

Small weeps catch my attention, I look to the foolish little girl to see they are indeed coming from her, serves her right, spilling everything to Jekyll, it wasn't his business, "I-I'm s-sorry E-E-Edward," she says through quiet sobs, I roll my eyes and lock the office door so Emma nor Drake will be able to come inside. Then I stalk towards her again, "You weren't supposed to tell anyone," I hiss out making her whimper and cry more. She struggles to keep them quiet, "Go ahead, bloody brat, cry as loud as you want, no one can get in here to save you!" I snap. She does the opposite, at least she's smart enough to do that. Crying more and louder would only give me a headache thus making me more frustrated.
"I-I didn't th-think it w-would be a b-big deal, G-grandpa asked...... Wh-what was I supposed to tell him?" "A lie," I growl out, she was annoying me already. I walk towards her to see her flinching away, I smirk in amusement, "Do I scare you now, little miss?" I question tauntingly as I grab a box cutter that's on Jekyll's desk. As she nods I run it over her arm with the cut not hard enough to leave anything but she definitely felt it, making her jerk it away. I smirk wider, "Was that uncomfortable?" "Y-Yes," "Why's that?" I ask curious if she knew why, "G-grandpa said y-you cut me there when I was a baby."
"What? I never," I say, obviously a lie, but the little idiot buys it, "Really?" "Really, if I was going to do it I'd do it right here," I move the cutter to the side of her neck, she tenses as she looks up to me, I love the fear that's evident on her face, it's so pathetic, looks just like Ross. I press it harder to her neck, "Scared, little one?" "Yeah....." she whimpers, I'm tempted to press harder to draw blood but that'd ruin my plan I still have for her. I pull it away.
"Don't be, I'm not like that," she looks to me with uncertainty, "You aren't? Then how'd I get the cut?" "Jekyll when you were little, he was in control and did it to you," I explain, she was too little to remember to remember the truth, "Why'd he hurt me.. doesn't he love me....?" she asks I conceal a smirk preparing my next lie.

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