Confuse Them With Kindness

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Alexis's P.O.V.

Grandpa seems to struggle to answer the question. Almost as if he's scared to. Before he can, Grandma comes back all dressed up and such, "We'll discuss that later," he promises, grabbing the keys. Adam runs to Grandma's side quickly and stays there like he's scared of being near Grandpa. I don't understand why though. Grandpa wouldn't hurt us, right? Only Hyde would.... unless Hyde was the one telling the truth. I choose to not think too much on it. We all get into the car, I play with my hair for a little bit, I like it when it's curled.
The silence is a little unsettling. I'm  used to hearing music or everyone talking. I look over to Adam, he's staring out the window, that's usually always what he does but this time it feels different. I work up enough courage to talk to him, "Adam, is something wrong?" I smile when he looks over to me but frown when he looks away again. What's even worse is the way he sounds when he answers.
"I'm fine Al. Don't worry about it," the way he says it is cold. I look down, he suddenly looks back to me with some guilt I think.
I can see he wants to say something but doesn't, instead he just looks back to his window. I chew my lip, the silence is getting worse it feels like. I open my mouth to ask for music but Adam beats me to speaking.
"Grandma, has Hyde ever hurt you?" theres more silence now but for a different reason. 
"Why do you ask honey?" Grandma questions looking back to him. He shrugs slightly.
"You seem to be the only person he's fond of," he replies verbally. He has a point, now my curiosity is up there right with his.
Grandma gives a nod of understanding. She ponders another moment glancing to grandpa before answering."He's on and off with it. Just depends on his mood, what's been going on...." she explained.
"Can we know our answer to our other question Grandpa?" I ask eagerly. Everything goes quiet again, it makes me feel odd and a little bad. Regardless, grandpa takes in a calming breath and starts to answer me.
"Plenty of times honestly, but most of those times, you two were too young to spot the difference. It's safe to believe that you just thought it was me."
"Not all of them were bad experiences though," grandma pipes up smiling a little.
"You two had come over.... I can't exactly remember if we were babysitting you or your parents had to go somewhere and were coming right back. Either way, it was just you two, Edward, and me. Alexis you ended up in his arms one way or another. He," she laughs a little before continuing, "he wasn't exactly sure what to do with you so I tried showing him how to talk to you two, the way any adult would to an infant..... he wasn't good at that however, so he asked if you'd like singing just as good. I told him yes that you just liked hearing the voices, and so, he sung a very beautiful song to you. It was truly a wonderful, heartwarming sight. I'll never forget it, that's for sure. I wish I had recorded but Edward probably wouldn't have been happy about that plus I was holding sweet little Adam."
I look over at Adam, his cheeks are a little red but he looks confused. I am too, if Hyde can be nice then why isn't he? Sounds like a lot more people would like him that way. We don't get much time to worry or ask about it because not moments later we pull up to the store.

(FINALLY, THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED!!! Now I could use help..... what should happen next? I'm thinking of Hyde messing with Adam's trust in Jekyll further but I don't want to jump right into it, so........ ideas? I hope you enjoy!!)

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