A Game Of Play Pretend

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Alexis's P.O.V.

It's hard to think it was grandpa when I know its Mr. Hyde, "What kind of fun, Edward?" I ask using the first name daddy did when talking to him, he glares at me, "Don't call me Edward, and we're going to play a game per say," my eyes light up excitedly, I didn't know Mr. Hyde likes playing games too!... Then again, I didn't really even know him until I asked to meet him which was after I read grandpa's secret notes.
"What kind of game, Mr. Hyde?" I ask bouncing happily. He glares harder, "My gosh you're still annoying, aren't you. Firstly stop calling me Hyde and Edward, you're going to give my secret away. Secondly its a game of pretend," I nod, "I'm really good at pretending! Daddy always says I have a big, colorful, and vivid imagination!"
"Good then you should be great at this game," Mr. Hyde says smiling but it doesn't look like a real smile and he sounds annoyed, "What am I pretending?" "That I'm your grandpa Henry, got that?" "Yeah," "You think you can manage? Prove to me you're the best pretender in London?" "Yeah!"
I feel determined to prove to Mr. Hyde what I can do because I don't think he likes me very much. "Good girl," he praises slowly like I was some dog. I frown at this making him laugh, he stands back up straight, "Now Alexis, while Adam and your grandma are cooking what do you say we go upstairs to my office and I show you something I've never, ever shown anyone else?" "Would you really?" "Sure, just come with me."
I willingly follow "grandpa" up the stairs, I grab on to his hand and Mr. Hyde seems uncomfortable with it but doesn't pull away. It makes me wonder, has anyone ever shown Mr. Hyde some kindness?
Daddy clearly hasn't, mommy hasn't, could he just be mean because nobody was ever nice to him? I almost ask him but he tugs me into the office forcefully. He immediately yanks his hand from mine and digs through some big books. I fidget shyly, I didn't know what to do with him, he finally turns to me, a slightly tattered slip of paper in his hand, he holds it out to me.
I look up to his false brown eyes, uncertain, he groans under his breath and shoves the paper to me. I wince at his harshness, he rolls his eyes, "Give that to your dad tomorrow, and don't bother it until then," I frown, curiosity got the best of me again and I go to open it but Mr. Hyde smacks at my hand, "What did I just tell you?" he growled out. I ignore it still assuming he was mean because everyone else is mean to him. He sighs, "Come on, let's go downstairs before Emma or your brother get suspicious," he grabs my hand. At first he squeezes it tightly, it kinda hurts but as we reach the bottom of the stairs he loosens a little. Grandma and Adam sit in the chair looking through a big book, I escape Hyde's grip and run over to her, she smiles.
"Do you want to look at the pictures too, Alexis?" "Yes please!" grandma picks me up and sets me next to Adam. I lean against grandma looking at the pictures, they all looked like my daddy and my uncles having a water day outside. Daddy was wearing a pair of swim shorts decorated like the Britain flag and a short sleeved shirt, he looked about 13. Uncle Drake wore only swim trunks covered in super hero's, he looked 9. Then there was Uncle Brian who looked 5, he wore only trunks with a monkey theme. They each had a water gun and there were sprinklers on.
I listen to grandma tell the stories that go with the photos, but I usually find my eyes on Hyde who watches the telly, rather boredly. I wonder if there was a way to fix him somehow. Make him like grandpa.
Soon enough grandma declares its time for us to go to bed and promises more fun tomorrow.

Edward Hyde's P.O.V.

"Henry, Darling, will you tuck Alexis in while I do Adam?" Emma asks holding the annoying boy twin. I'm playing as Henry, so far everyone's been too gullible to realize it wasn't Henry.
"Sure, Love," I say, oh how I hate that word. She gives me a small smile and a quick kiss before carrying Adam up stairs. I wait a few moments before getting up and pulling Alexis on up the stairs. I let her climb into the bed and cuddle with her dumb, pink little bear. I turn to leave until she speaks up, "A-aren't you gonna tuck me in?" I look to her from over my shoulder, what a stupid question, just proves she's Ross's child.
"What, can't you do it yourself?" "I can but an adult usually does it," she answers shyly, I roll my eyes and walk over and lifts the sheets tossing them over her, teach that brat to expect something like that of me, "There."
I turn to leave again until the brat talks to me again, "No goodnight?" she whimpers out. I glare at her to show my irritation, "Goodnight, Alexis, sleep well, have good dreams, anything else?" "Are you mean because everyone's mean to you?" "What?" "Are you mean because everyone's mean to you?" she repeats. I almost snap at her until I realize that this can be used to my advantage. What child doesn't believe a sob story? I make one up and she believes it making it easier to get to her, I smirk until faking a convincing frown, "Well yes, it actually is, little Alexis."

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