Another Night

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Alexis's P.O.V.

Grandma and Grandpa walk back in, "Sweeties," Grandma starts kneeling in front of us, "daddy nor mommy can come get you today," both of our eyes go wide, "Why not??" Adam demands hugging me close and protective, I don't think I've ever heard him that angry, "Al doesn't want to be here anymore, that Hyde is scaring her and bugging her," he continues, "Adam," I whisper, "it's ok, you don't have to yell."
"She's right," Grandpa says sitting down in his chair, "they can't come get you because last night, about 2 in the morning, your Aunt Isabelle went into labor, they're still over there with her," he explains. Aunt Isabelle does live a few towns away, it usually takes about five hours to get to and back daddy says. Adam and me both sigh at the same time. Grandma pauses a moment before trying to perk everyone's moods up, "How about we go shopping hm? Grandpa and I can get groceries for this week and we'll get you two a few things, doesn't that sound like fun kids?" she coaxes.
I nod silently, as long as it stays Grandpa it would be fun. Adam looks our grandparents over skeptically, "I dunno, I don't want to be out there with him," Adam states, I look at him with surprise, where did this come? Adam hasn't ever spoken so boldly, I raise a brow at him, "Adam, you're being mean...." "No I'm not, I'm protecting you, Al," "I don't need protection Adam!" I say glaring at him squirming away.
"Why wouldn't you, he keeps bothering you!" he snaps, "That's enough, there's no need in fighting over it," Grandpa says sternly, I obey, placing my hands in my lap, Adam scowls leaning back, after some moments of silence he mumbles, "Yeah, I guess we can go shopping."
Grandma sighs in relief standing back up, "Alright then you two go get ready ok?" we nod slipping off the couch and head up the stairs, I hear Grandma and Grandpa talking to each other and I'm almost certain I hear Hyde's name in the mix. I decide it's best for everyone to ignore it and continue upstairs. Adam and I look through our bags to find the outfits mommy and daddy chose for us. Adam pulls out a white top, green vest, and deep blue jeans. I find a pink dress in mine with white leggings for underneath and two matching pink bows that I assume they want Grandma or Grandpa to help me put in.
It's pretty obvious daddy picked our outfits out, he likes keeping us very presentable looking. We change into the clothes, while Adam brushes his hair I run downstairs with my bows in hand, "I need help putting my hair in pig tails!" I holler to get attention from them. Grandma smiles looking to me, "Do you want normal pig tails or braided ones sweetheart?" she asks signaling for me to follow her. I think a moment as I do so, "I want normal ones," I decide nodding my head, "Normal pig tails it is sit down honey," she tells me, I do so smiling and hand her the bows daddy picked. She brushed through it and pulls them up into pig tails then puts the bows in.
"There we are, don't you look very pretty," she compliments I giggle happily, "Thank you!" "You're welcome, if you want sweetie, I'll curl your hair," I sit up happily, daddy never lets me curl or straighten my hair, "Yes please! Can we do my make-up too?" Grandma laughs slightly, "Aren't you too little for make-up?" I pout slightly, that's always what people are telling me, "That's what daddy says," she ponders a moment before smiling softly, "Well, it won't hurt if we do light colors, let's go see what we can do," I squeal following her the bathroom. First she curls my hair as promised, then she digs through her make-up finally she pulls out something's. She kneels down to me coating my face in this powder stuff, then she put this pink powder on my cheeks, next she makes me close my eyes to apply more powder. The one she uses three different colors, she mostly used brown, a little bit of white and faint traces of pink, finally she puts some shiny lip gloss on my lips.
"There you are, what do you think?" she asks picking me up so we can see me in the mirror. "Wow! I'm so pretty, you did good Grandma!" I exclaim. She laughs softly sitting me down, "Ok now you run on, tell your Grandpa that I'll just be a minute," I nod giggling as I run out. I see Adam with Grandpa and they're talking I tilt my head curiously and try to listen in.

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