The Sob Storys

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Edward's P.O.V.

I stalk towards the bed the little pest lies it, she watches me in shock, a small hint of amazement, "I-I knew it," she says softly, "You did, did you?" she looks up to me nodding enthusiastically, "Y-yes! Cause you're always so mean to everyone....... besides Grandma... and everyone has a reason to be mean and we'll no one seems to like you," I nod humming, "You seem to know a lot about this, Alexis," she looks down and nods sadly, "Mind telling me? A sob story for a sob story."
She looks back up to me, she's uncertain, clever enough to get that far at least, Brian didn't catch on for years, the little idiot. She ponders before nodding, "O-ok, Mr. Hyde," "Just call me Hyde," I correct, I hate the title 'Mr.' in front of my name. I'm not a mister, I'm the spirit of London at night. "Go on," I encourage after so many long seconds of silence, she sighs.
"There were these older kids..... and.. well they....." she was obviously hesitant which annoyed me, "Sometime tonight, kid," I say. She nods nervously, "They..... called me names, mommy and daddy told me not to repeat most of them...." "Why would they do that?" "Well.....after some investing their mommy and daddy were separating, so that's why they were being mean. I ended up forgiving them cause it had to be hard. I never like it when mommy and daddy fight so if they did it all the time I'd be pretty angry and mean too."
I nod, "I see, but you shouldn't have forgiven them. They hurt you, that's when you seek revenge. That's when you're strongest," she look at me as if I had grown two heads, the stupid girl, "What, pest?" "That's not what daddy says," I roll my eyes, like Ross actually knows anything. He's just as much of and idiot as everyone else in this world, he's just hiding that behind a master's degree in psychology, "Your dad is an ignorant brat, he doesn't know anything," I state bluntly. She glares, I smirk, it appears I found a weak point, one that'll get her hyped up. "My daddy is not stupid! He's really smart!" she shouts, it's amusing and boring at the same time.
"No, Alexis, he's one of the biggest imbeciles I know, he was the last of Jekyll's sons to even figure out about me and just how close I was to the family, pretty much the last to learn that I'm pretty much invincible. The only thing he's good for is entertainment when I'm bored but that's because he has you and you mom and brothers," I  say, honestly. It was true, He wasn't useful for anything else. She glares, "My daddy isn't any of that."
I sigh, a stubborn brat, just like all the other Jekyll children, why was I even bothering hoping for more in this kid? "Hyde?" she speaks up, "What do you want, brat?" "It's.....its your turn to tell me why you're so mean."
She noticed I didn't tell mine, I'll give her points for that. They usually get distracted by now and forget all about it. "Right...." I pause making up all I could, "Well I'm mean because I'm feared I suppose. When people look at me they see a monster," "What about te murders?"
"Well I was created to not have regret for any sin I did, soon after your grandma left the family, your grandpa was tore up and allowed me to do as I wished, so I wished to do my go to thing, killing," "Why do you be mean to my daddy and uncles?" "They're idiots, all three of them, they're all so weak too. Its fun to play with their mind and emotions especially when there's someone they care for one the line," she nods and yawns, "Go to bed," I demand walking away again. As I do I swear I hear the little brat say, "Good night Hyde," it's perfect I have her playing right into my trap. Get her to trust me, as much as she does Jekyll then play her against her family. Time is all I need for now though.

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