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I CAN'T HANDLE ANYMORE OF THIS!!! Ever since Jas left everyone has been keeping away from another making me just want to scream at them to get over it, but that would just be me lying to them because after Jas left we all have been feeling down and with for some reason someone knowing how to keep us away from Jas we all know that someone is in contact with her right now this whole time she left but were all blaming someone else about it and we all want her back. I mostly wanted my leader back here so we can figure out how to make Kat and Mikey get together right now but instead I had to wait until we either find her again or she comes back to us, right now I was just writing a few things in a few notepads I had around my room before I would go to the dojo for some daily training I make myself do every day since Jas left so as to help me get stronger until the day Jas comes back so I can train to fight her for her leaving without telling us where.

While I got out of the room I see Mila on the couch sleeping for she stayed up last night to watch some TV only ending up falling asleep there, she had been doing this for over a week now to be there when Jas comes back in case she did at night making me want to walk out to her to let her know that she should just stop, give up and get some sleep but that would then make us fight about it and one of us would end up hurt in a way that I don't want to talk about right now so instead I go to the dojo for some training. Once there I see Leo getting ready for his training as he was the only one to also train like I do making me wish we could talk but he only does it when he invites me to meditate or to spar him, after that he would leave without another word making sit there for a few minutes before going back to what I was doing before he spoke to me, and then I leave to do something else for the day like right now I see him getting up while i'm getting ready with some morning stretches in a part of the dojo away from him so he had some room to train making me barely turn to look at him as I got ready for my training.

Once done I went into my first stance and got started I could sense Leo watching me right now even as he was training with his katanas not far from me like he does most of the time making me close my eyes in focus as I moved around the dojo to train, my mind was thinking about everything that just happened to us all so far "Your legs are too far apart" Leo said to me which made me freeze in place from his voice coming out to me so I turned to look at him as he was in the same position as me but doing it with his legs a little closer to the other then mine. Leo had actually been doing this quite a lot to me by pointing me things out to what I was doing if he dosen't invite me to anything when were in the dojo alone and right now was the getting to my last nerve right now that I wanted to hit him in the face right now "I will do it next time I train on it" I sneered back at him before looking away and getting back to my training like I was doing before he spoke to me which had made anger rise inside of me a little more then it was before now.

Around the time I was done with my training Leo had already left the dojo making me get some time alone right now to train without him bothering me on my placement of my feet or my arms or anything else on me, my mind flashed me an image of Jas smiling at me like she always did for the rest of us when we needed to be cheered up for something and just having her at our side made us feel better then we were before she sat down next to us, with a sigh I got back to training like nothing even happened as I focused on what I was doing in the first place since I entered the dojo. By the time I was done training it was time for me to take a shower which I knew no one would be using right now since it was always me at this time of day before eating something for my breakfast that I didn't have yet, I went back to my room to get some changes of clothing so I could get changed after my shower as I was sweaty from my training but still not knowing where Jas is made me worry about her and Donnie's wedding and romance together, would they still be together? Would there still be a wedding? Did Jas move on from him? Is she dead? Questions ran into my mind as I got into the shower with worry all over my facial and body language which would be easy for everyone to see and understand.

As I got cleaned up I thought back at everything we had done just for her that might have caused her to leave in the first place but with everything going on this whole time it confused me even more as I got out of the shower to get dry and dressed in my usual long skirt and hung sleeve shirt before drying and braiding my hair like I always did most of the time like this, when I walked out I put my training outfit into the laundry basket to get cleaned later on and then headed to the kitchen for breakfast for the day where Mikey was already working on with everyone else all around the lair doing something else "Morning Mikey" I said like I always did when I get out of the shower and to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Right now he was still having a hard time with Raph still not back and Jas still gone who knows where he was mostly calm and quiet around everyone making me wonder when he will turn back to the old happy and cheerful Mikey I knew from before as it worries me the most of all as the others maybe don't even notice it at all right now, he only nodded to me before handing me a plate of eggs and a few more things I like to eat in the morning before we both sit down at the table to eat our breakfast.

As I ate I looked around and saw how everyone was, Mila was training in the dojo like crazy while Kat was at the couch simply watching TV while at times looking back to Mikey, Donnie was in his lab but doing nothing and I had no idea where Leo was right now maybe in his room or something but I didn't care right now because he was the most annoying right now to me as he does nothing else but point out stupid things about my training and I hated it when it wasn't Jas doing it to me. She would always do it in one of the best matters by making me feel like I could do better in training and it makes me work harder to impress her even more in training but she isn't here to do it and instead Leo is doing it in a way that i'm starting to just not want to even try in doing it better then I was doing it right now, by the time I was done eating I went to put my dishes away and go back to my room where I could work on a few things in details of Jas and Donnie's wedding that they never did by making multiple plans for it so that when Jas comes back she and Donnie can look at them and chose one of them to use right now.

As I got inside I felt like someone was watching me from somewhere so I went straight to my room and got to work on a plan I was still finishing up for them, but at the same time I was working I just felt like we should have Jas back now.

Hey everyone! What do you think of the first chapter to this second story part! I hope you all like it but I have some good news for certain people  is now back once again and is reposting stories that were for some reason deleted and has asked me to tell you all isn't that cool!

PAL out!

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