Getting to work

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Nova's point of view

Leo had brought out a map of the city to try and make up a plan on Jassie's sister with everything going on, he said we should try and figure out the best way to get her sister to come out for us so we could then capture her "Even if we do all she want's is Jas and who knows what she want's from her" Mikey said as Raph nods while worried for her "And that's why we need to figure out the source of this problem" Leo explained "Once we figure out the reason for Angelica to be like this we can tell Jas who could figure out what to do and fix it" he said making us all nod to him and his words, everyone left with leaving me and Leo at the moment with the map before us "I was thinking we could go somewhere outside the city for our date" Leo said making me turn to him and his words "Okay" I said simply as he turned his eyes to me and nodded yet I knew he was nervous, he was going on a date with me when he must have made a bunch of plans on dates for him and Jas.

I decided to get to my room where I could think about all of this now that that it was all happening before my eyes at the moment, the thought of the date got me thinking of what I should wear for it so I went in my things to find something good until Jas came in "Looking for something?" she asked making me explain to her everything "Well if your going somewhere outside the city wear something comfy and a bit warm as it is getting cold, so I suggest jeans and that top you really love and a jacket to keep around incase it's cold" she said making me then nod to her idea as she walked out of the room making me smile as I started to change into the outfit she suggested to me which made me get pumped for my date, I didn't know when we would go but I believe he would come over the moment it was time for it so instead I went around my room and got some things done that I haven't found the time to work on for some time now.

Leo's point of view

"Leo relax! Just go out with her and i'm sure everything will be fine" Donnie said as I paced in my room with him seated on my bed right now, Jas heard me telling Nova about the date plans and brought Donnie to my room to help me get ready and choose where to go and what to do while Jas got Nova ready yet I still didn't know about all of this at the moment as I was in a bit of a panic as Jas walked into the room "How about a place with wild flowers and the sight of the stars? Nova always loved those two things, maybe there's one somewhere outside the city" Jas suggested as Donnie got to searching while I was still stressed of all this making Jas try to help me calm down "Leo relax, Nova was never into all the big stuff with money spending really. In any case you just need to care for her with the things you can be able to collect without much problem, if you can do that much everything will be fine" she said making me nod to her as I started to calm down a bit from all of this.

Donnie was bale to find a location that would be great to take Nova to making me ask him to get me the location so he got to work on writing it down for me so I could then go to Nova for our date making me smile as she walked out of her room just as I was a few steps away from her door as she turned to me in surprise "Oh! Leo" she said just as I walked over to her "Ready for our date Nova? Unless there's something you need to take care of at the moment" I said as she shakes her head no "I'm good let's go" she said making me nod as we got to the shell razor and got going to our date "I hope you like it" I said as I look over to the basket that Mikey and Kat had worked together on making a meal for me and Nova to enjoy during our date at the moment "It's going to be fine Leo i'm sure" she said as she sat close to me which made me blush and get nervous a bit more then before as we got close to the location making her gasp as I parked and took hold of the basket as she looked at the flower's and the stars above us.

She smiled as I set the blanket down and got a few things out while she collected a few flowers and spoke to me about some of the stars above my head making me smile as we ate and spoke about stuff like her family making me enjoy her story of herself and what she was like when she was a bit younger, we ate the food they made and drank a bit before getting back to the lair making Nova smile as she was happy about our date just now as I made a mental not to thank those two with Jas and Donnie for all this as I prepare a second date for Nova and me to enjoy "Could I plan another date?" Nova asked as we walked into the lair making me look over to her for a quick moment "Of course, as long as I do the one after" I said making her smile and nod before going over to see if Jas was in her and Donnie's room to tell her about our date while got to bed to sleep until morning.

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