No powers anymore

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Leo's point of view.

When Nova told me she had feelings for me for four years I knew I screwed up "Why would I need power's to force someone to like me when someone who does is crying because of me!?" I mumbled to myself as I felt like something was lifted from me as I see that the very mark that showed under my eye for my power vanished making me understand that I no longer had powers so I went to Nova to try and speak with her, she let me get into bed with her but we fell asleep so I couldn't say anything to her sadly but I still was able to then wake up "Nova? Novaflor please wake up" I whispered as she slowly did so "I wish to make it up to you for what I made you suffer" I whispered as she looked at me in surprise "What, how?" she whispered back to me "I will speak with Jasmine and Donatello about all that I did wrong and hope they forgive me, then I will speak to the others and apologize for everything and then I will take you on a date" I explained as she looked at me in surprise from all of my words so far.

I watch as she thinks for a bit on what I just said to her "Alright, but you also have to promise not to let it happen again" she said making me then nod to her with a smile as she smiled back to me and went to hug me at that moment, we went to sleep once again but this time I was holding her close to me as I smiled in my sleep while knowing I had much to tell Jas in the morning when she wakes up then while also having no idea about what cure Dark angel was doing right now about what she wanted and who exactly she was under the transformation, I woke up early because even if Jas may be pregnant she had a habit of waking up early so I decided to wake up before she does to wait for her in the kitchen to talk with her first from everyone as I then see her going to the kitchen where I was and was surprised to see and was ready to leave "Please, I need to speak with you about a few things" I begged making her look at me and then sit down to join me and listen "I wanted to first say sorry, for all the creepy texts I sent you as you traveled, for causing you pain when I slapped you when I said the wedding is off and for making you come back early from your honeymoon" I explained as she looked confused "What are you-" "It was wrong of me to do all of that in the first place, I was just jealous and blinded from the fact you decided to go to Donnie and it caused me to not notice Nova's feelings for me" I explained.

"Well it's about time" to my surprise everyone I did something bad to for Jas was there listening to what I had just said as I turned to Donnie "The only real reason we actually came back so soon is because Jas sensed something bad happening with you towards her sister" he explained making us confused "I was jealous and wanted Jas for myself and then this precure named Dark angel appeared saying she would gift me with the power of controlling dreams to memories" I explained as we looked to Jas "My sister was given what she always wanted, the power to become a precure" she murmured as my eyes then widen as she then turned to me "We need to know what she looked like, do you think you can describe her to Mikey?" she asked making me nod as he went to get a few things "But what did you mean by texts? The only person I was in contact with this whole time was with Raph" she said as all our eyes widen to her and Raph "So I WAS RIGHT!!" Nova claimed as Raph sighed and nodded "Guess I failed in pretending I knew nothing about you leaving" he mumbled making her then giggle.

Mikey came back and sat next to me so we could get to work on drawing her sister in the precure form I saw when she came to me and gave me those powers, while during that time I was apologizing to the others for everything making them forgive me as I still had Nova and our date left making me thing about what it would be as Mikey was still drawing while at times I had to correct him on something or add in something that was missing to the image making him then get to work on it for me as everyone was eating what Nova and Donnie were cooking as Don was cooking for himself and Jas right now, when Mikey was then done I looked it over before nodding to him "This is what she looked like" I said making Jas take the piece of paper to look it over "Whatever made her become like this I need to figure out something to change her back and to stop this madness" she said making us all nod as she sets it down so everyone could see it.

Mikey came back and sat next to me so we could get to work on drawing her sister in the precure form I saw when she came to me and gave me those powers, while during that time I was apologizing to the others for everything making them forgive me a...

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I knew it was bad for her sister to be like this but for Jas to decide all of this I knew it would be bad for her right now as I turned to Nova who also looked worried about all of this, she came over to me and while no one was looking I whispered to her "We need to get everyone but Don and Jas for a meeting about Angelica" I said making her nod as we then ate and I knew very well that she would find a way for them to know but those two as it was important to us all that they know nothing of it.

Or who knows what they would do about it or happen to them during a battle.

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