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When Donnie woke up it was to see Jas close to him still sleeping with a calm face made him get a few ideas for there wedding making him slowly go and get the papers and her laptop that to his joy was turned on with the password in and ready to be pressed enter to log in, he got to work on his ideas making sure they all went well with what they had done so far and what was already set making him sigh as he reread everything in his head before fixing a few things and adding something else, he made sure to be as quiet as ever as he worked also so that Jas could sleep some more with what happened to her as she was gone "Back to bed now" he turned to see Jas looking at him with a cheeky smile as her arms were streched out for him to go into for some more sleep, he curled up into her arms with a smile as she rubbed soothing circles on his head making him make churrs to her making her giggle back to him as a result, she was still happy about him being there with her right now as they went back to sleep together with ease making them both hold the other close making them dream of the other.

The next mroning however was different as she woke up cold and alone with yelling on the other side of the door making her worry as she sat up, once she got on her pink silk robe that hid her skin she walked out to see Nova, Raph, Mikey and Kat yelling at Leo about something while Donnie and Mila kept away from it making her go over to them "What's going on here?" she whispered making Mila the one to answer "Leo told us that the wedding for you and Donnie was cancelled now and that it would be back on in a year or two, Nova and Raph got mad at his choice about this because it wasn't in his list of things to decide to do and now Mikey and Kat joined in on it" she said making her eyes widen as she went over to them a bit as Donnie tried to keep her with him and Mila where it would be safe but failed "LEONARDO!!" she yelled making them all go silent "Cancelling a wedding is not something you can decide but the bride and groom can and you are neither of those two. So tell me this instant the BIG reason that makes it possible that you can cancel it behing mine and Donnie's back" she demanded as the blue masked turtle turned to look at her for a moment and blinked at her words.


He had slapped her, right on her left cheek so hard that a large dark red hand mark could be seen the second his hand touched her skin making them all wide eyes and looking at the scene as they all wondered what would happen next with all of this right now, it went so silent that a pin clould have dropped as instead the sound of something snapping inside of Donatello was heard as he ran to punch his older brother for what he had just done at that very moment to his future wife "How dare you that!! All she did was ask you a reason for doing this!!" he yelled as the landed on the floor and he started to punch his big brother, the brother he looked up to when they were little as he trained, the brother he always trusted with everything and the brother he always followed with everything he ordered but now he just felt anger towards that brother anger for an action he was not allowed to do to anyone not even the girl he loved, so his battle of punching and beating up his older brother went on as he yelled things to his brother's mostly his thoughts as he could not hear anything that was going on around him or is someone was touching him.

The only moment he snapped back out of it was when Jas was holding him close to her with her face at his neck as she cried in there bed making him slowly with trembling arms hold her, he felt worry for her and realised that as he fell down on top of Leo his mind went blank making him then worry about if he did something bad or hurt someone else badly as he held her close "Jas" he whispered making her slowly look up to him as he saw the hand mark his brother left on her left cheek making him slowly and lightly touch it so as to not hurt her "It's alright, it dosen't hurt much now" she whispered but he could hear her voice cracking the whole time she spoke to him making him worry about her condition even more now then before all of this because he felt like it was his fault so he pulled her as close to him as he could right now as he whispered how much he was sorry and that it was all his fault but she only cried softly in his arms as she hoped for the best for them right now as there was nothing else that could be done at the moment for them making her only hope that something good would happen next.

She only started to stop and he saw that she had fallen asleep as it made him smile but still worry about what he had done in the end with Leo and the others, but instead of thinking about it even more he went back to thinking about Jas and how she was now from all of this as it was maybe his fault that she was now like this at the moment making him sigh as he gently combed her hair with his fingers so as to help her sleep a little better while his mind tried to go back to what happened when he was on top of Leo for him to then get to here with Jas, but for some reason his mind was blank making him worry about all of this and decided to just wait until Jas woke up again and she was calmer then before to explain what had happened to him and Leo before he woke up here of all places and not where he once stood with Leo under him and yet it made him feel a shiver up his spine as he brought Jas even closer to him for some warmth from her as she slowly nuzzled him as he closed his eyes and went into a dream.

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