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Nova's point of view

She another precure had light purple hair and red eyes with a dark tan skin, as she wore almost gray/purple and pink/purple all over her as she walked into the lair making me get my charm out and ready to use to transform into cure CrystalFreeze "I think it would be best for you to put that away, unless the information I have straight from Jasmine herself is not needed to you" she said making us all look at her in shock as she walked to the couch to sit on it like she lived here, she looked at all of us before looking at Raph who had many bruises on him so she placed a palm to his plastron "Precure. Lavender kiss" she whispered as the sudden sent of lavender came in as he started to glow a light purple while the injuries he had vanished like they were never even there in the first place "Now can I talk?" she asked as we all nodded to her, we got closer to where she was to listen to what she had to say "First of all my I go by cure Lavender, now what I am going to tell you is all she told me and I will only say it once" she explained making us nod "The shadow scouts are three girls that were actually proud sailor scouts from another dimension's kingdom, but then someone destroyed and took over that kingdom to bring it to this dimension and the ruler is using these three to get Jas. She had no choice but to hide in plain sight while making sure to not be recognized by them before coming to see you all, she misses you all very much but when she discovered this she had to flee without any of you knowing so as to not make them know about this" she explained making us look at one another as none of us were actually talking to her in the end making me feel bad for hitting Raph.

"So why are you here and not her?" Mikey asked masking us all I think wonder that same question right now as she looked at us for a moment before sighing "She saw them coming closer to where she was and had no choice but to move in secret from them so she had no choice but to stay away from you for now, she asked me to give you the message and to tell you that she promises to come see you when things calm down with her pursuers right now" she explained making me feel worry for her and her safety right now as I wanted her alive and not dead right now "Is there any way we can see her sooner?" I asked making her look at me with a shake of the head "Unless you can get those three girls away from her location so she can be safe enough to come and see you then no" she replied making me feel horrible right now as i'm not able to help her when she needs it the most. Cure Lavender stayed a little longer to answer a few questions that she said Jas thought would be asked and got prepared for it before getting up and giving each of us a letter Jas wrote for all of each of us "She made one to speak to each and every one of you in a different way, she hoped to speak to each of you face to face but things changed for the plan and she had to stall the meeting for a little while" she said before leaving the lair for who knows how long, I looked at each of them as they went to there room to read the letter before walking out or doing something else at the moment while I on the other hand went to my room like them to read the letter to try and understand something from all of this.

Dear Nova, I hope you like the formality I started this letter on because I know how much you hate it when it isn't there, as you must know by now I was not able to see you or the others due to 'certain' problems around my staying place but I want you to understand that it is to keep you all safe for now from certain death! I would never leave and never come back just for something that happened without us at least trying to change it but still I had to protect all of you in some way and this was the one I could only think of right now. This whole time I was doing it the very night I was starting to leave the lair I took one last look at everyone and everything around the place before leaving you all as tears streamed down my face, I just wanted to help this world like how we did back home but because of something I did it made things turn wrong so I went to search for something that could help, something that might just maybe change a few things that we had done and turn them for the better but as I might instead things also during my search turned sour.

I hoped for so much for this to go right but instead I did nothing more then make them go bad in the end by doing it and doing something wrong, I only wanted to help us and to make us maybe even stronger then we are but it got ruined when I started to discover things maybe they were things that could have helped me during my journey and maybe they could have ruined everything I was looking for but in the end it was just a warning to me and what I was doing as it was telling me to stop looking for what I wanted as it had been hidden far to deep for me to find as they never wanted to have it found once more to then use it making me stop and turn back right then and there. I started to search for something else that could help me figure something out that would help but only landed into a dead end so I had no choice but to do an even deeper search by looking into maybe the more ancient and unhallowed books to read in my whole and entire life of mine as I started to read them slowly to try and find something and landed on a book that was actually opening something to me that I could use to help us in our cause making me try to learn more about it as time passed to make me understand that I needed to hurry and find out how to use it before trying to come home to you all and tell you all about everything I discovered so far.

But you must know Nova that those girls, the person they work for is someone that is very powerful from what I can tell from where I was this whole time to know about it from Cure Lavender, this person has some dark mage who works also for this person by telling certain things that the mage discovered making me need to do many things in my journey before coming back with what I found out. I hope that when the time comes for me to come out to see you all it will be when you are all safer or maybe in trouble to make come in to the rescue like the good old days as Precures Nova.

Take care of the girls and the others for me while i'm gone and make sure the girls are still training with and without using there transformation alright!

Love Jasmine.

From this simple letter that was in my hands tears would fall down my face slowly from everything she had written to me about everything as I in a way now understood how she felt this whole time.

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