Welcome home... Raph

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Raph was coming home, we ran back to the lair and started to get everything ready for him coming in as a welcome back party making us move around the place to set everything up and make sure his room was nice and clean at the moment for when he goes to bed later on "How's it going with the banner Casey?" I ask as I look at Nova who was walking out of Raph's room with the feather duster "All set Mikey you got any calls from Raph?" he then asked as Mikey looked for anything "He texted saying he's just around the corner right now!" he said "EVERYONE HIDE!!" I yelled as Mila turned the lights off as we then hid somewhere around the lair with Miwa and Sensei with our friends the mighty mutanimals there to celebrate with us. As the sound of steps came closer to the lair and we all knew who could know how to get here and that was Raph and Jas as they were the only ones missing right now, the steps came in the lair but slowly "Hello? Guys? Anyone here right now?" the sound of Raph's voice made us all count to three before making the lights go on and we yell "WELCOME HOME!!!!" to him as he jumped slightly from our surprise which made us laugh as he looked different from before he left, he was slightly taller now but at least closer to Donnie's height, he had a few scars here and there but he was also wearing clothes and what looked to be new weapons at certain places on him.

"Hey guys" he said as we all went over to greet him properly from our surprise welcome home thing, after we went to eating and some simple talking as the mutanimals, April, Jimmy, Miwa and Casey left for the night as they needed to get going leaving it to just us, father and the girls right now "So, where's Jas? Shouldn't she have come around yet?" he then asked as at that moment Donnie went for there room making me look sad at him as Raph got confused, I knew that he had to know "Two weeks and two months after you left, Jas vanished and we have no idea where or if she's alive or not" I explained as his eyes widen to the news "She was getting better too, Donnie didn't talk to her though and we really wanted them to get back together but I guess if had done sooner she would still be here right now" I then said as I sat down on the couch. I knew Jas would be able to help but she wasn't here and it was a problem that had her in it and without her we couldn't fix it right now, he sat down next to me with the look I would have when I try to comfort the others "I'm sure she's gonna come around soon" he said with his deeper voice that had surprised us all when he used it "I mean this is where she lives now, if she wanted to go home she would need to use Leatherhead's portal and he would smell her if she does uses it so no worries" he said making me nod and smile like he was as he was right, so I stood up and went over to Leatherhead's home to see if anything was coming up on the portal and to ask him something "Hey!" I said as he turned to me "I was wondering if you could make something to find Jas and her location?" I asked making him nod before I turned to leave with a beat of confidence coming over me as I go back to the lair.

Nova's point of view

Knowing that Jas may or may not be alive makes me wonder if she will ever come back home to see us because if she dosen't i just don't know what I need to do, I was on my bed just thinking about her and what she might be up to at the moment as I had no idea what it was that she could be doing right now or if she was ever going to come back and it worries me so much more as time goes on since she did leave "Where are you Jas" I say as a tear falls to the pillow I layed under my bed, I just wished she was here right now because then she could tell me what I should do next to help everyone but she wasn't and now it worries me that maybe things would never go back to how they used to be. I decided that enough was enough as I sat up and thought about things that could have happened to make her leave, but most of them had already pass and moved on from so that was forgotten so with that her and Donnie's room was next and to my joy Donnie was in his lab so that was good so I went in and looked around to try and find some clues to where she could be or something that happened to make her leave in the first place, as I look inside I know that Donnie had moved a few things around because of her leaving so I can't just touch anything and then hope that once it's back he won't see it moved a little because he will notice so in order for him to not demand anything I need to look around, look for something that can help me and before taking it I need to check how it was placed and remember so I can put it back later on there.

I then noticed her laptop, it gave me an idea of where she could be almost like a clue but without knowing the password it was impossible for me to use so that was out so I needed to keep looking for something, I heard about her diary but Donnie had it with him right now and since it was to read by only the person you want I couldn't ask him for it so I need to find something that can tell me her password and then the laptop to use it and find some clues about where she was right now. In the end I had to go back to my room because soon Donnie would come in to cry about her not being here right now making me sigh at how hard it must be on him the most from us all as I walk out of the room, once back in mine I sigh as I wish I can figure something about where she could be but still my mind just went on and on about how she was before she did leave and when Raph first left for Japan, it then brought me back to his reaction to the news of her not being here it was shock and surprise but it kind of looked like something else hidden in it all.


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