Pain of shadows

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It took a total of twelve dates in two months before Nova and I became an official couple, I had been nervous at the time when it was official because I was scared of screwing up but she made sure to help me and Jas had to slap me as she started to show that she was pregnant making me sigh and snap out of it making me then go to Nova to ask and she accepted making me smile and enjoy all of this as everyone was happy for us as then the news of Mila and Jimmy's wedding making us celebrate before planning there wedding, Casey and Miwa were on a date at the time and April decided to go on a trip with her new boyfriend before bringing him to meet us but we could tell she was happy with him while Jas and Donnie discovered they were having a daughter but they don't know if she's a mutant or a human so they agreed to wait until she was born to know as she and Mila were talking about the dress making me smile as I was on the couch with Nova at my side "Do you ever think of getting married?" I asked her.

She turned to me in surprise to my question as she thought of her answer for a moment before speaking "Sometimes, when I was a kid I would think about the whole prince charming thing, but then my parents would bring me files with pictures of boys and descriptions about them telling me that they could be a good choice for a husband and when that started I just gave up on the idea of getting married" she explained making me look sad for her as I then started to think about something for her as Jas got called to the lab by Donnie making me wonder if it was due to the baby being born soon from now as it had been four more months that passed and Jas was in month six yet she looked to be ready to give birth making Donnie think that there having a mutant baby girl and was growing faster then a normal baby as he worried for her "Do you think Jas is gonna give birth today?" Nova asked making me shrug "We just need to-" but I was interrupted when cure Dark Angel appeared making us all stand and get our weapons out while Donnie got in front of Jas to protect her.

"Well then, everyone is here like I wished and everything is going as planned" she said as Jas held her stomach in hopes of it helping to protect the baby right now while Don whispered something for her to do as she went into the lab to hide as cure Dark Angel walked closer to us as we all charged at her to fight as best we could right now but she was quick and were held up with a mist she created, the sounds of Jas screaming in panic made us watch as she was also captured only for her she was trying to reach for us or at least to Donnie "Now then, i'm sure that master will be very pleased with this amazing news" cure Dark Angel sneered as she touched her swollen stomach making our eyes widen to this as Jas tried to get out of the prison until they vanished as we were then released, only thing is that Donnie went straight for his computer "I put a tracker on her glasses so we could find her" he explained as we then geared up and got going to find Jas as soon as possible.

We all got ready and left trying to follow the tracker that Jas had on at the moment in hopes of finding her along the way to then take her back to safety, but the sudden feeling like something bad would happen creeps over me as I listen to Donnie telling me where to go next for he held the sensor for the tracker at the moment as he looked almost scared for Jas and the condition she could be in at the moment from all of this, as I then saw cure Dark Angel with Jas who saw it was us as she tried her best to get our attention right now in where to go right now "Don, do you think you could figure out where she's taking Jas?" I asked making Donnie think for a moment as Nova pointed to Jas trying to tell us something making him squint his eyes for a moment as they then widen "The docks! She's going to take Jas there to kill her and take the baby!" he said as cure Dark Angel speeded up making us do the same and try to get to the docks at the same time they get there making us quickly hide as her sister yank Jassie's hair and pull her to the small edge.

"Come on and give me the baby!" she demanded as Jas only held her stomach and moved back as best she could at the moment "Master needs that baby now! With it we can end the turtles and you stupid precure's" she explained making Jas eyes widen to this making us know we needed to get to her now so we ran in and got to Jas to protect her "Now, now we can all settle this nicely. BY HAVING SOMEONE DEAD!" and with that Jas gasped as cure Dark Angel stabbed Jas and threw her in the water making Donnie go in to save her as we were able to make her then vanish without the baby "Lair now! THERE DYING RIGHT NOW!!!" Donnie yelled to us so we drove as fast as possible to get to the lair so Donnie could Jas and the baby right now from dying without any of us able to help him out at the moment because right now only he could save both of them from death as Nova held something as I noticed was the charm Jas uses to transform.

"She used it to try and save her life"

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