Chapter 2 (Lauren's POV)

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I turn around and see Joe staring at me. What do I do!? Should I walk over? Wait...why am I freaking out about this? Oh crap. Do No, no, of course I don't, he's my best friend... Oh man. I'm in a trance, his beautiful ocean water blue eyes are so gorgeous. Lauren! Snap out of it! Just walk on over there, it won't hurt to go say hi to your best friend. I start walking over there and Joe looks as tho he was a little nervous... Does he like me back? Wait... I just admitted to myself that I like him...DAMN IT! I like Joe. I like Joe damn Walker, my best friend. Soon as I got closer to him he stopped his staring and looked away, I did the same. When I got there I finally had some courage to say:

"Hi Joe, how are you?"

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