Chapter 10 - "Fine Starkid!"

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(Lauren's POV)

It was a week till the opening of "Firebringer" so I had to keep my focus on my part. I texted Joe "Hey, we probably shouldn't be hanging out a lot at the moment because of Firebringer, people may get more suspicious. Let's keep working on our parts right now and once Firebringer is over we'll tell them okay?"

Joe had replied fast, "Of course Lauren. You have a real big part in this play and I want you to do wonderful. We'll stay apart for things and not hang out as much, it'll hurt that I can't be with you at moments but we have to focus, hugs and kisses to you"

"I'll hurt me too, see you at rehearsal, but still act normal, okay?" I said truthfully.

"No problem💕😘" he said, "see ya later"

"Okay, see ya💕😘"

Ugh. I hope this week goes by fast...SHIT! It's tech week! Damn it I forgot I'll be up past twelve with the other starkids at stage 773.

I texted Joe fast again, "it's tech week! I completely forgot!"

"Oh yeah, it is isn't it?" He replied fast as usual.

"That means costume and makeup and all the other crap." I hated tech week.

"You'll be fine." He replied.

"Ugh. I want cake now!" I don't know why I said that, but I wanted cake.

"Cake!? We didn't say anything about cake." Joe remarked.

"But I want some. Gluten-free chocolate cake." I texted with a sigh of happiness.

(Joe's POV)

"We'll buy gluten-free cake mix and we will bake and eat a cake, okay?" I laughed as I texted this. Lauren was so cute.

"YAY! I LOVE CAKE!" Lauren texted.

I laughed, "Come over in a little and we'll bake it. We will have to go to the store first."

"SEE YA THEN!" She was too excited about cake. But then again, I love cake too, I mean who doesn't!?

"I'll be over in a little to pick you up okay? Then I'll take us to rehearsal afterwards"

"GREAT!" She texted back and we stopped texting.

~Twelve minutes later~

I walked up to the door and knocked very lightly just in case Denise was asleep or Lauren was just trying to sneak out as best she could.

The door opened, "Hey there Joe" it wasn't Lauren who answered, it was Denise.

Shoot! What do I say? I'll just have to tell her. Whatever. "Oh Hi there Denise, um, well, is ugh, Lauren there?" I said a little nervous.

She smirked, "yeah, she's right over here..." She yelled over to Lauren, "LAUREN GET OVER HERE!"

"I'm coming geez" I heard Lauren saying sounding a bit tired. Once she got to the door she smiled and said "Oh hey there Walker"

"Hey Lopez. You ready?" I asked as Denise pulled a look of confusion.

"Yeah, let's go." Lauren said making her smile even bigger then it was and I smiled back.

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