Chapter 20 - One Night To Last

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(Lauren's POV)

The show was an absolute success! I'm so proud of everyone and myself! I actually remembered my lines!

Improvement A to me.

I gotta go find Joe!

I run around almost the whole place to find him, the last place I check is the sound area. Oh course he was there talking to Brian and Meredith instead of getting his stuff together.

"Joe!" I yell while running slightly over to him.

He turns his head to face me, "Hello the famous Lauren." He jokes.

I see in his hands that he is holding the duck... The duck lord. I giggle a little bit but quietly. He looks down at the duck then seeing that I saw puts it on his head and smiles.

This time I actually laugh, "J-Joe" I manage through laughs.

He smiles wider, "What Zaz?" He asks jokingly, "you gotta solve another problem?"

"Yeah, yeah." I say sarcastically, "Why don't you just let the duck free now." He joke.

He gasps, "no-" he turns to Meredith and she nods in agreement to get rid of it, "Jemilla, Zaz-"

"Pass over the duck." Meredith says plainly but still having a jokey tone while putting her hand out.

He takes the duck off his head and almost gives it to her. Right when he almost set it in her hand he snatchesE  it back and runs out the door hugging it tightly, "NEVER!!!"

I hear Meredith and Brian laugh as I chase after him for fun. I needed to talk to him anyway.

We soon end up on the stage running around like a bunch of lunatics. Soon he trips and I fall over on top of him by tripping over him. I flop next to him on ground laughing as he is too.

We lay there laughing for a minute or so and then sit up. Joe helps me get up and we stand face to face.

"Joe, I wanted to talk to you, not tackle you." I joke nodding my head towards the floor.

He laughs, "I'm very protective of the duck." He holds out the duck from under him.

"Awe poor duck getting tackled!" I joke. Petting the fake duck.

He laughs and holds him, "What did you wanna say to me?" He asks.

"I wanted to one, tell you great job on the show tonight and two, when are we going out? Jamie and Joey I feel have been waiting long enough for us." I giggle.

He chuckles, "One, thank you, you too and two, ah-alright!" He jokes and takes my hand.

"Wait-" I saw turning around and pulling my hand back, "I need to get my stuff! One minute." And I start off towards the girls dressing rooms.

I hear Joe after me, "Oh! Me too." and he heads to the boys dressing rooms.

When I get to the dressing room I see my phone lit up with texts from Jamie:

Hey it's Jamie, you guys coming to the front yet?

Hello? Lauren? You there?

Lauren pick up your phone.

Hurry up please. We've been waiting for a while.

You awake? Did you fall asleep in the dressing room?

Earth to Lauren... Or phone- anyway where are you?

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