Chapter 9 - Morning Misshap

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(Lauren's POV)

Once he had got me home I was sure Denise was already asleep. I opened the door and started to walk in as I felt a strong hand grab my arm and pull me around to face him.

"I'll see you tomorrow? Wanna meet at 8 and get some coffee?" He asked with his gorgeous smile. "At Starbucks, I know you love Starbucks." He added with a laugh.

I giggled, "Sure" I said happily.

"Great" he kissed me goodnight, "goodnight" he said walking back to his car and got in.

"Bye Joe" I waved as he drove away and walked into my apartment looking down.

Once I turned around from locking the door I saw Denise staring at me with this glare that told me that she saw everything that had just happened.

"So, you decided not to tell me. YOU DIDNT TELL ME THAT YOU AND JOE WERE DATING!" She exclaimed, "You should have! I'm your roommate!"

Shit. She saw us kiss. I looked down, covered my face/mouth with my hand and mouthed "fuck" then looked back up "surprise!?" With a guilty smile. She just stared at me. "Ugh? Yes.-"

She interrupted me "-I KNEW IT! You guys today were so obvious!" What!? Everyone really..ugh! "You've liked him forever! You guys are so cu-"

I cut her off "STOP!" I took a breath, "please, we don't want anyone to know yet okay!? Please keep it a secret..." I felt bad for yelling but I didn't want all those "awe you guys are so cute together" stupid comments, I hated that.

"Okay, okay, sorry, sorry." She took a breathing pause, "I'm just excited because you've liked him forever and you never had the courage to tell him and now you guys are dating and it's so cute to watch! And-"

I cut her off again "-please stop with that kind of stuff."

"Oh yah, sorry. I forgot you don't like those lovey-dovey comments." She said looking down.

"It's okay, come on, let's get some sleep" as we walked over to our rooms, "night Denise"

"Night Lo. Sweet dreams" she said happily while smiling and laid down.

~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up at 6am, Denise was still asleep but it was time to get ready, I had two hours to get ready.

Now it was 7:45am. I better start driving over there, Starbucks was a short ways from my house but he was always sometimes early.

Denise was still asleep, I peaked into her room seeing if she was sleeping or on her phone laying around. She was sleeping, sneak out quietly Lauren. Wait. I don't know how to be quiet, oh well, try. No! Don't try cause then that fails. OKAY LAUREN JUST LEAVE!

I go out the door, lock it, then I get into my car and drive to Starbucks, I got there around 7:50.

I walk into Starbucks and I see Joe sitting at a table, he doesn't have his coffee or anything, he was waiting for me I guess. I walk over, "Heya! You got room for me?" I said I'm a giggle with a smile.

"Hey Lauren! Of course there is room for my beautiful girl. I'm so tired, let's get our coffee, I'll pay for yours-" he said.

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