Chapter 3 - A Plan

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(Joe's POV)

Oh man... I'm getting nervous. When she got closer and stopped staring and looked away and she did the same... Does she like me back? CRAP! I just admitted to myself that I like her. I like Lauren freaking Lopez. NO! She's my best friend! Oh man she is right next to me now, should I start conversation?

"Hi Joe, how are you?" Lauren said smiling. Thank god she started a conversation.

(Lauren's POV)

I guess I was right that Joe liked me, I could tell. He didn't answer my question yet and I was waiting. I was smiling, shoot! Lauren, don't smile you look like you like him. Don't, stop!

(Joe's POV)

I didn't answer for a while that I realized that she asked me a question. Oh and her beautiful, cheerful, big, happy smile was staring at me. "Oh hi there Lauren the shortie-" why did I say that!? "I-I'm good thanks for asking, how are you?"

(Lauren's POV)

"Lauren the shortie?" I repeated, yeah... I guess he probably does like me. "I'm good thanks."

It was kinda silent for a while until Joe said, "Lauren, can I ask
you something?"

I froze for a second then said in a stutter, "ya-yeah yeah, sure, sure, of course."

(Joe's POV)

It seemed as Lauren liked me, but how she talks is just, ah, so nice, STOP IT JOE! But that's her just being the silly Lauren I know and... Love. She would never like me, and I knew that.

I started stuttering when I talked and said "so-so I was ju-just wondering if you would wanna ha-hang out sometime? Just us-two-..." I said as I was interrupted by Lauren that I realized that she answered in a fast motion.

(Lauren's POV)

"...Just us-two-" Joe said as I interrupted fast saying "YES!"

He froze for a second and realized that I answered but I forgot that I said it so fast so I repeated it, "yes, yes, that would be fun." I said smiling now giving him a clue that I wanted to be more than just friends. He just smiled and nodded, but soon took my hand after a while and held it tight.

Hey guys I actually just watched Firebringer last night and it was sssooooooo good! Lauren and Joe did great! (A Live Broadcast)

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