Chapter 15- Everyone? Why Now?

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(Joey's POV) -Richter


I wake up by the sound of my alarm. It's 6:30... I better get ready fast to meet Jamie at Starbucks at seven. I wonder what she wants to talk about.

I get ready and I'm out the door, it's about 6:54 when I get there so I go ahead and sit at a table. Soon I see Jamie walk in with a smile on her face as usual, she has such a cute smile... Woah, wait... I mean that as a friend. Nothing more. Nothing. "Hey Jamie" I say my voice a little shaky with a smile. Why was my voice shaky?

"Hey Joey, may I sit?" She asks.

"No you have to stand." I say sarcastically, "Yes, of course you can Jamie, why do you think I'm up this early and at Starbucks?" I joke.

She laughs and asks, "Well, you wanna get some coffee before we talk?"

I nod and we get up to get in line. We get our coffee and thankfully no one stole the table we were sitting at so we sit back down.

"So, I wanted to ask you about...Lauren." She says slowly.

Lauren? Why Lauren? What was going on with....oh. I didn't tell Jamie I liked her! What does she wanna ask about Lauren!? "Go ahead, I'm listening." I say with a chuckle.

She laughs a little and continues, "Well, I saw this picture of you guys kissing last night and I-"

I interrupt, "-OF US WHAT!?" I almost half-yell.

She was in shock by my comment, "-of you guys kissing, I don't know what's going on between you two but-"

"-WOAH WOah woah. Slow down. Nothing is going on between us, she is with Joe." I say trying to hide that I did try to kiss her last night.

"-that's what I thought, then why were you guys kissing!?" She asks.

"We didn't kiss!" I almost half-yell again.

"Then what's with that photo!?" She almost half-yells.

"What photo!?" I almost half-yell again. By now we have been half-yelling at eachother. I was utterly confused of what she meant by photo, I haven't seen a photo nor anything about how she found out about our almost "kiss".

"This." She grabs her phone, clicks it a few times, then shows me it. I'm in shock when I see it, it's a photo of when I did lean it for the kiss. How did she get this photo!?

"It's not what it looks like-" I say quickly.

"Yeah, Sure." She says finally stopping our half-yelling, "I'll see you later, I'm gunna go."

"Okay." I calm myself, "I'll see you later." And we both walk out. Now that went well huh? You probably just lost one of your best friends. Thankfully I still have Joe.

A/N: or does he?

(Jamie's POV) -Lyn Beatty

Ugh! Well, that went well didn't it Jamie. You got all worked up over Lauren and Joey and now you probably lost your best friend. I hope nothing bad happens at rehearsal today.

~Later in the day before rehearsal~

I've been laying on my bed ever sense me and Joey's little "fight" earlier. I can't stop thinking of him, his cute smile, his weird/awesome hair, his amazing acting and voice, man he is perfect. I like Joey a lot, more than just a friend. He has been one of my bestest friends for years and now we fight? Ugh. Why now? I don't wanna go to rehearsal but the opening show is coming up in a few days. Ugh, let's see how this will go.

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