Chapter 14 - Really?

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Omg, I haven't posted in a long while! (Not but a few days always feels like forever😂) This may go by really fast actually oops!
(Brian's POV) - Holden

I should text Joe again about this... I mean, it's his girlfriend!


"Hey Joe, did you get my picture? I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. I can't believe Lauren is cheating on you. Well, I hope everything goes well. -Brian"

Wow. I feel bad for sending that text, but what else was I gunna have to do? Just let him sit there wondering "why"? Well, I hope he is okay...

(Joe's POV)


I woke up fast by the sound of my phone. I fell asleep? It's only ten. I'm usually up cause I'm usually. with. Lauren. Where is Lauren again? Oh right, the night? She usually just goes for runs in the morning... I'll text her.

I grab my phone and I see a text from Brian, the only thing that caught my eye was one sentence:

"...I can't believe that Lauren is cheating on you..."

WHAT!? Woah woah wait.

I open my phone to my texts with Brian:

"Hey Joe, I thought you would like to see this:


I looked at the picture frozen and in shock. So, she wasn't at the gym, she was out with Joey!? I can't believe she would lie to me. I kept reading,

"...Gtg bud, see ya later. Bye!"

Then another text:

"Hey Joe, did you get my picture? I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. I can't believe Lauren is cheating on you..."

I read that sentence over and over again in my head, "..I can't believe that Lauren is cheating on you.." NO! She can't be! She would never do something like that... But this picture, it shows that she is. I can't believe it. I kept reading,

"...Well, I hope everything goes well.

"Thanks a lot Brian." I say to myself sarcastically.

I look at the photo again with that same sentence running through my head. I really can't believe this. Why didn't Lauren just tell me she didn't like me like I do her... I guess we will just have to break up... But I don't wanna do that. Ugh, why is this so hard!? Lauren was the best thing that ever happened to me... I don't know what's going on but for right now I'm just not gunna talk to Lauren.

"Where did you get that photo Brian?" I texted him. In a minute or so he replied.

"I watched it happen and took a photo for you."

He was spying on Lauren!? That's my job! God damn it, I believed that she would actually do something physical. Why was I such a fool? I guess I was really tried.

"Oh. Okay... Thanks. Talk to you later bud." I text back.

"Bye" he texts and I don't bother to say anything else. I sit up on my bed and put my head in my hands.

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