Chapter 8 - The Others Musn't Know

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(Lauren's POV)

We got to the practice studio and once I got there Denise ran up to and grabbed me by the shoulders holding me, not letting go anytime soon.

"Where were you last night!?" Shit. I forgot about this problem...what do I tell her?

"Well I got a ride home from Joe, as you know, and it was already very very late so he just asked if I wanted to stay over and I was already so dead tired, I just stayed." Nothing else, don't tell her anything more cause you'll just give everything away.

"Oh, okay, just give me a call before that happens next time." Denise said still very tired.

Phew, I just hope than when me and her do get home, she doesn't bring up Joe. She knew that I've liked him forever and she kept my secret, I just hope she doesn't bring up last night with that kind of thing.

(Joe's POV)

When me and Lauren got to practice, Lauren was taken away by Denise. I just looked over and kept walking. I went over to Brian who looked surprised.

"What's that face for!? What did I do!?" I questioned confused.

He laughed a little, "Nothing" he laughed again, "nothing, nothing."

"No seriously dude. What!?"

"Oh nothing! You were just walking in with Lauren Lopez! The girl you have been crushing on since you met her!"

"Oh. That's what this is all about! Sorry that we are best friends!" I laughed, "I can't just walk into a room with my best friend anymore!?" Brian was the only person I told that I liked Lauren and he was always making fun of me for it sense I never had the courage to tell her.

"Okay well." He paused, "Why we all looked at you guys when you came in is because you guys are a little late." Brian whispered to me.... Oops.

"Oh sorry." I whispered back, "let's get to rehearsing then shall we!? The ol' mighty duck is calling places" I said laughing as he started to laugh too.

"Okay guys!" Nick yelled, "we are gunna run some of the two-people scenes, so if you aren't in the ones we are rehearsing at the moment, run through your script!" He looked at his script and said "Lauren and Denise's first."

"Okay" said Lauren as they ran to where it began.


"Okay next scene!" Nick yelled.

I walked over to Lauren who was rehearsing her lines, "heya there" I sit down next to her as we both look around, "you're alone. Do you want me to leave?"

(Lauren's POV)

What the hell was he doing!? He's gunna make it obvious that we are dating!

"Well um..." I wanted to say "it looks obvious that we are dating right now" but I don't and said, "no, help me with my lines." Smiling and he smiled back.

"The ol' mighty duck likes that idea" and we laughed. I think we laughed a little to loud because some people looked over. "Shit sorry for that" he whispered to me.

"No it's fine, we just kinda suck at being quiet." I whispered back and we laughed a little.

"REHEARSAL IS OVER!!!" Yelled Nick.

~after the rehearsal~

Meredith Stepien and Brian Holden walk up to Lauren and Joe talking. Lauren and Joe stop talking. "Hi Mere, Hi Brian" I said sounding happy to see them. I called Meredith Mere for short as she calls me Lo like others do too.

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