Chapter 18- You Have A Plan? I Always Do.

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(Joey's POV)

Last night me and Joe talked... I still can't believe I-I like Jamie. Joe is gunna help me win her over.... I'm so glad we are friends again. I'm not sure if she likes someone already though and I'm really scared for that... I really hope she doesn't... I really really like her.

Today is opening night for Firebringer. I can't believe it. I just scared for backstage or something. I get nervous every time I'm near Jamie now... I can't help it! She's-she's just so, so, perfect! Her eyes, her smile, her-well, just-her! Why do I like her so much now? I guess I- I really never liked Lauren all that much...

(Jamie's POV)

AH! Firebringer starts today! Oh goodness I can't wait! I have to text Lauren! She's probably still dead asleep.


I text jokingly and a few minutes later I get a reply:

I KNOOOWWWW AHHH! Haha, I can't wait for it! Tech week was hell but we can do it! I can't wait! You're a superstar of your own! See you later Jame! <3 XD

I laughed a bit at that text, I soon reply nicely being sarcastic:

Haha, very funny lo! I'll see you later.

She replies sooner than I thought:

Okay, see you later jame. ;D

I'm still a bit mad at her for the Joey thing, but we are acting buddies so I have to be kind at the moment. Duck Lord please help me with this situation. Lauren was being nice to me at least. "Treat people the way you wanna be treated" really works in this situation.

I roll around to lay on my bed again. I can sleep in till noon and trust me, I will.

(Lauren's POV)

Well that was weird... I thought Jamie was mad at me.

Psh, what am I saying, I know she's still mad at me. I just wanna be friends again. She still hates that Joey did that... SHE THINKS IT WAS ME! Hell no I would never do that, I have a boyfriend! And I know she likes him so why would I betray her? Ugh, just relax Lauren, you have your first show today! You're the main role. Don't get worked up. Maybe I should text Joe, he usually helps me out when I'm stressed.

Hey Joe, I'm really stressed right now. It's opening night and I know I'm gunna screw up! I'm the main part and everyone is counting on me. What do I do!? Please help me.

I text him hoping he replies soon. I soon see "read 8:24am". I SAW YOU READ IT FUCKING ANSWER YOU NIT-WIT! Lauren! Calm down! He saw it. He's gunna answer.

A few minutes later I get a text from him:

Awe, don't worry babe. I'm here for you, you're not gunna screw up. You're gunna do amazing and get a standing ovation! You're gunna do so good and the whole cast knows it! You're my world and I love you sooooo much! Stay strong and believe in yourself, I believe in you. "Hugs and butterfly kisses, your" Joe <3

Awe. He's so sweet. I love him so much:

Awe thanks baby, I love you so much. You make my day, especially with your silly references from the past. See you later honey :) <3

||A/N: texts can be so hard in chapters like this lol||

Lol, see you later babe <3

I love my boyfriend. He's so cute. I don't know what I'd do without him.


It's almost noon and instead of call time being around five, they have it at twelve today 'cause "yay technical stuff!"

I get dressed - mostly just throwing my sweats and a tee-shirt on - and start off toward Stage 773 where we are performing.  It doesn't take me too long to get there but I end up there but 12:01 and when I walk in I see everyone staring at me and they yell in unison "YOU'RE LATE!"

I look at them with a death glare of "no shit" that I accidentally mumble it under my breath. I end up saying sarcastically, "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Putting my hands over my mouth and start laughing as people join in.

"Haha, very funny Lauren." Nick says sarcastically to me walking through the people to find a seat next to Joe and Denise. "Now sit down Zaz, we need to start doing this last little rehearsal before we need to get ready!" He jokes laughing calling me "Zaz".

I put my hands up innocently and look at Joe, he is looking at me with a smile. Then I see his eyes shift over to something behind me and him mouthing some words. I turn my head around to see what he's looking/talking to. I see Joey with hopeless eyes looking at him mouthing something.

I look back at Joe. I wonder what they're mouthing... Oh well. I turn my head back to Nick talking and talking about what we're gunna do. I start dozing off but the information still is going through my head.

Finally Nick is done talking and I turn to Joe, "What were you and Joey mouth-talking about?" I ask with a giggle.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just gunna help him out with something." Joe replies getting up.

"Where are you going?" I ask looking curiously.

He gives me a stupidity glare, "Over there." He points towards Joey pacing back and forth-thinking.

A moment of realization soon hit me and I nodded with a playful smile.

He walks over to Joey and starts talking... I couldn't exactly hear him but I feel it's not a good thing considering what's been going on.

(Joe's POV)

I walk over to Joey pacing back an forth like a puppy trying to find a bone. He walks by me -pacing- about five times, I finally grab him to stop-holding his shoulders.

"What's up?" I say firmly holding his shoulders.

He was wide-eyed-looking behind me in horror like Godzilla just popped up behind me. He didn't talk.

I shook Joey's shoulders and brought him back to reality, "JOEY!?"

"AH WHAT!?" He said quickly still wide-eyed.

I let go of Joey and gave him the stupid look I had just given Lauren, "I'm here to help you. You want me to help?" I ask even though I was going to anyway.

Joey nodded his head quickly then answered after calming down a bit, "Sorry, I-I just caught a sight of her and she scared me by looking right into my eyes and-and-I ended up freezing..." He said nervously looking back at me. "You have a plan?" He said probably shaking.

"I do." I smirk, "I always do."

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