Chapter 17- A Change Of Friendship

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(Joe's POV)

Damn. After all last night till about 4am I slept in till twelve. I'm still tired.

Man, I'm still so pissed at Joey... I don't know if I should give him a chance or not...HE HIT ON MY GIRLFRIEND! No. He hurt me-her-us. I can't let him go for that. He should've told me. Ugh, I need sleep. Joey totally stabbed me in the back I don't know what to do... I can't forgive him for what he did. He tried to kiss my girlfriend. I'm done with this foolishness.

I decide to text Joey:

Hey Joey, I need to talk to you. Can we meet up somewhere?

I hope he answers soon...- oh

Hey Joe, yeah of course. Where do you wanna meet up?

Ugh... Um-

Um, you choose.

I don't know where Joey!

How about at the park around the corner from Starbucks?

Oh! I know that park, the one me and Lauren snuck to earlier this week...

Perfect. What time should meet?

I'm not good at making decisions myself. At all.

How about in an hour or so?

That's great- oh shit I'm not ready yet-

Perfect, see you then!

I text quickly and jump into the shower hearing Joey's text sound, ding-ding.

Probably just saying "see you soon" with a smiley face or something.

(Joey's POV)

I wonder why Joe wants to talk.... This is probably about Lauren oh goodness. He's never going to forgive me, neither will I forgive myself.

I get ready and start heading towards the park. There are 25 minutes till we actually have to meet... Maybe I should stop by Jamie's, she usually helps me out with problems...

I start driving to Jamie's house. As I'm driving I see Lauren outside of her house riding her bike in the street... She's so cute. She loves her bike Stacy. I don't think Lauren sees that I'm here.

I keep driving and finally get to Jamie's. I get out of the car and and go up to the door. I knock very lightly a "secret" code knock we do for fun when we wanna talk.


What was that? An soon the door opens suddenly with Jamie falling on the floor after opening it.

"Oh my goodness Jamie are you okay?" I ask frantically getting down on one knee to help her up.

"Yeah, yeah- I'm fine." She says nervously while I'm helping her up.

"Oh..okay um.... I just wanted to talk to you for a minute..." I say looking around holding onto her arm. I see the table was crooked, a plate smash on the ground next to it, and somethings fallen off of selves. Was that the noise? Ah well.

"Oh of course you can always come talk to me..." She leads me to her couch that was also slightly moved and we did, "what do you need?" She asks looking into my eyes.

I look into hers, wow, she has beautiful eyes... I guess I never noticed how beautiful they were... Joey stop! What's going on with you now-a-days!? I shake my head mentally and start talking, "Well-ugh, Joe and I are meeting up at the park today and ugh- I don't know what he wants to talk about, I'm scared that it's about Lauren and he's never going to forgive me and-"

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