Chapter 13

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"Why are you outside my house?" He spat, towering over me.

"U-uh sorry I didn't mean-"

Geo's stern face instantly changed to a look full of amusment. I frowned and folded my arms which only made Juwany snigger.

"You're cute." He chuckeled. He bit his lip while staring at me and I couldn't help but blush. I wanted us to have what we used to have, I can't bear being so distant to him. He doesn't know how much I miss him.

"And you're a jerk." I spat back, cringing at how immature I sounded.

"That time of the month huh?" He asked, trying to sound genuinely concerned. He stated at me for a while and then bursted into thunders of laughter. "I'm kidding!"

"I haven't forgotten about earlier." I said, trying to sound as irritated as possible.

"Me too." Geo sighed, suddenly turning serious. "I'm sorry. For everything."

I sighed and stared at his hand, desperately wanting to grab it. "I understand." Was all I could say.

To my suprise, he grabbed my sweaty hand and pulled me close to him. "I've remembered some things about you." He began. I felt my heart beat race and I couldn't help but grin. "You mean a lot to me, Lucy Howells."

"You remember my name!" I gasped and Geo nodded, showing his adorable smile which gets me everytime. He kissed my head and I felt a rush of butterflies dance in my stomach. He stared at my lips and I started at his. He made the first move by leaning closer and I did the same. Before I knew it, our lips were touching and I tasted the taste I always imagined kissing him to taste like.

Is this really happening? For so long I've wished for this moment, why does he choose to kiss me now?

One hand wrapped around my back and the other rested on the back of my head. I put mine around his neck and pulled him closer every now and then.

After five very long minutes, we were done. I didn't realise how short of breath I was until I snapped back into reality.

"I remember wanting to do that for so long." Geo admitted, sounding out of breath too. He couldn't stop grinning and so could I, I couldn't stop staring at him and wondering how I got so lucky. "I couldn't waste such a perfect opportunity."

I didn't know how to reply, I was truly speechless. Is this it then, are we a couple?

"Soo.. am I allowed to call you my boyfriend or?"

"I'd be honoured to call you my girlfriend." Geo chuckeled, putting on a posh accent.

I guess this really is it. I'm finally living the dream I've wanted to live for what seems like my entire life.

I just hope Mario and Ariel won't mind.

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