Chapter 27

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Geo's POV

Me and Loren were lying down on the sofa, watching TV in the house which we now share. I was meant to share it with Lucy but I guess I mays as well share it with Loren, seeing as I'm starting to like her.

I don't think i'm ever going to be able to forget the day when Lucy found out about me cheating on her with Loren. Thank god she didn't find out about the other things. I only went out with her to get Loren jealous. It worked, but when I eventually got the girl who I loved for ages, I started liking Lucy. And now all I think about is her, I've had crushes before but none could compare to this.

Ugh, why am I saying those things? I need to shut up, I love Loren not Lucy.

Who am I kidding? I love Lucy and I always will.

"Smile." Loren said, her big blue eyes staring into mine.

I ignored her and turned away.

"You okay Geo?"

She went to cuddle with me but I moved away. For some reason I was really mad at her.


"I need to see Lucy."

I stood up and grabbed my shoes which were covered in mud. Oh well, Lucy wouldn't care. That's something which I admire about her a lot. I could greet her looking like a mess and she wouldn't question anything.

"GEO!" She shrieked before I could open the door. She grabbed my hand and spun me around. Damn, she's strong. "I'm sorry... but are you sure about this? You know what Lucy is like.."

I rolled my eyes and freed my hands away from her surprisingly strong grasp. "Yes, and something tells me that she never made you cry. I know Lucy, you can't fool me."

Loren let out a horrified gasp. "Lucy's horrible Juwany!" She cried, "she's fooled you."

"Well I don't care." I muttered, "because I love her."

I then ran as fast as I could and jumped onto a bus, which went off before she could catch up.

Lucy's POV

"It's so good to finally spend time with you." I said to Mario as we laid down on the grass, playing on our phones.

"Same." Mario murmured, completely focused on his phone.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, grinning at Mario. "Opinions on Geo?"

"Ugh." Mario spat. He then switched his phone off and sat up with me. "He's horrible to everyone but you."

"Mario!" I gasped. I knew that I should be hating Geo right now but I still love him and I still feel defensive over him. "Well, i'm over him. I want him to be with Loren."

As you've all probably already guessed, that was a complete lie. But I hate to see people upset, and I know that Loren is a complete sweetheart who deserves the best. Unfortunately, i'm the opposite.

"Good." Mario said. "Also, I've been wanting to tell this to you for a while but.. i'm sorry about the kiss. I promise I don't like you anymore."

"You're so nice Mario." I replied with a smile.

Mario went to lie back down but jumped when he turned around. "G-Geo?"

I gasped and turned around to see if it was true. It was, he was sitting down and staring at me with an anxious expression.

"Lucy, we need to talk."

"Sure." I shrugged. I need to show him that I don't care and that I'm over him.

He grabbed my hand and walked me to wherever. I let him hold my hand, I'd regret it otherwise. I turned around and whispered "sorry" to Mario, who just rolled his eyes at me. I'm sure he understands.

Geo then walked me into a dark alley way and stopped. He held my two hands now and stared at me with such an adorable expression. I felt butterflies rise up into my stomach, I've been waiting for this moment for so long.

"Please forgive me Lucy." He sighed, his eyes not leaving mine. "I'm sorry. And I mean it. These four months have been so difficult, Loren's been a pain and I've realised what true love is because of you. I need you before things get worse."

I need you more Geo..

I sighed and stared at the ground, trying my best to not cry although tears were already filling up my eyes. I then looked back at Geo and took a deep breath. "I can't Geo." I said. My voice cracked and tears were now streaming down my cheeks. I know I should pretend to not like him but that's just impossible. "Loren needs you."

Geo let go of my hands and folded his arms. "She doesn't though." He disagreed, biting his lip. "She's so horrible to you."

She isn't though. Geo doesn't understand. "I can't do this Geo." I sniffed, even though I can do this. I just don't want to break Loren's heart. "I'm sorry."

I then ran away and found an even darker alley way where I collapsed onto the floor and burst into tears. I'm fed up of this feeling.

 I'm fed up of this feeling

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