Chapter 142

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I instantly rushed outside with Geo to see Ariel lying down on the concrete floor. Nothing seemed to be wrong with her, no scars, no bruises. But the fact that she was lying down on the floor looking lifeless made my heart drop.

After what seemed like ages of staring at Ariel with shocked eyes, Geo handed me a note. I slowly opened it up, hesitant to read it. Eventually I did and let out a gasp as anxiety hit me. 

It's me again

It was the same writing which was on Jack's dead body... Loren was onto me again. I bit my lip, but then realised what I was doing and instantly grabbed Ariel's body to get her inside of the hospital.

"We need to save her."

Geo nodded as he stared at the both of us with a worried expression. He then walked beside me and kissed my cheek as tears ran down them. Before I knew it the light, gentle tears got replaced with heavy, large ones. I couldn't control my crying, nor my rapid breathing. Am I having a mental breakdown right now? 

"Please don't cry baby." Geo whispered into my ear, even though he was crying himself. I tried to stop but there was no use. After the doctors took Ariel into a room to sort her out, I collapsed onto the floor whilst hugging my knees. Geo sat down beside me and then let out a long sigh. Who the hell is next? I just pray it wont ever be Geo... 

I wanted to tell Mario about Ariel, seeing as the two are way closer together than with me. But at the same time I didn't want to, I didn't want Mario to go through the pain I'm going through. They need to stop hanging out with me... Loren is clearly trying to murder whoever I'm friends with. 

"I thought we reported Loren to the police." Geo thought out loud after a while of silence.

I frowned, remembering the day when we did. Afterwards we bumped into Isla and Oliver and then went to Jack's. Why hasn't the police done anything? 

"Ugh." Was all I said. All I could say really. How could I be able to say anything after the thought of Ariel being close to death? Hopefully all Loren did was get her unconscious... but I feel as though she's too evil to do that. 

I've heard about crazy ex stories, but I'm sure none can compare to this one. 

I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING SO INACTIVE!! Exams AGAIN -.- Idk when they will ever stop!!

I'm really sorry it's short, I need to revise soon but I also want to write a chapter from my other book. 

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