Chapter 42

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I sat down on the sofa, doing musicallys while I was waiting for our bus driver to drive us somewhere where we can eat. I was still sitting by Kylee who was fast asleep. Beside me was Edwin, who'd join me with musicallys every now and then.

Everyone who was meant to be on the tour bus was to be seen, except from Geo and Loren. And I had a really horrible feeling about them both.

"Umm.. I'm going to go to the toilet." I said to Edwin after we lip synced to "I love Kanye". I then stood up and took a deep breath.

I slowly walked towards where all the beds were and quickly opened the door.

 I'd like to see Geo's excuses now when I catch him cheating yet again I spat silently when I walked towards his bed.

"Huh.." I whispered as I saw no one there. I then checked Loren's and let out a huge sigh of relief. Loren was in her bed sleeping, and Geo was probably in the toilet or something. 

I quickly put the curtain which hides her bed down and went back to Edwin. But, just as I was about to sit down, I heard a loud laugh and then someone whispered "shhhhhh". 

Edwin looked at me with shocked eyes and stood up. We both walked into the room where we heard the laughter as quietly as possible. I then gasped when I quickly opened the curtains and what happened.

Geo was sitting down in Loren's bed. They didn't seem to be doing anything, however I knew that Geo was hiding from me.

"Oh." Edwin shrugged, slowly walking towards the sofa again. He then yawned and rubbed his eyes. "I'm tired."

I just stood where I was and stared at Geo with sad but angry eyes. Geo stared back at me, as if he was "challenging" me. I then clenched my fists and stormed off.

What's happened to the old Geo who I used to love?

Or was Geo ever even like that, he may have been just as worse. He was probably acting so nice to me to get Loren back.

Well you know what? I don't care if my parents get me anymore. I'm leaving tomorrow.

I'm afraid I wont be updating this story every day like I used to do, but I will try to as much as possible. School is putting me under a lot of pressure at the moment :(

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