Chapter 127

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I published chapter 126 earlier today, it replaces the "update" chapter x

I woke up in Geo's arms. He was in tears and was holding an ice pack to my head. When my eyes met his he just burst into more tears and went to hug me.

"Ouch.." I whispered. My ribs were killing me, probably because of the kicks. 

"What happened?" Geo whispered back, his face close up to mine after he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. His thumb then rubbed my cheek and I felt his tear drops touch my face. 

I went to sit up but squinted in pain. 

"I need a hospital." I told him as I went to lie back down in Geo's arms. 

"I'll take you to one now." Geo replied. "But what happened?"

Fear filled inside of me when the thought of Dylan popped into my mind. Do I tell Geo? Or will that just cause him to want to fight Dylan which obviously wont end well? I've got to admit, Geo is just skin and bones compared to Dylan. I love Geo but it's the truth and I don't want him to get hurt.

"I.. I don't know." I lied, feeling a rush of guilt when I noticed that this only seemed to worry Geo even more. "I think it was just a weird stranger."

Geo nodded with a frown, obviously not convinced. He then lifted me up into his car and began driving. 

"You're skin is covered in scrams and blood.." He observed with shocked eyes, "did he push you to the floor?"

I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. Geo then let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair, something he always does when he's worried. I let out a small smile when I realised how lucky I am to have Geo in my life. Looking at him drive right now as the sun reflected on his olive skin and his bright hazel eyes stare into the road in front of him with an anxious face because of me, I felt butterflies run through me. He noticed me staring at him and then flashed a smile whilst still staring forwards. 

I looked at myself in his car mirror to see a girl with bright blonde hair, a black eye, scrams with spots of blood covered over my face and a bleeding lip stare right back at me. 

I'm a mess. 

I let out a slight jump of shock when I felt Geo's hair press against my forehead. He leaned in to kiss my cheek and then gave my lips a small kiss, causing me to blush. 

"You'll get better." He whispered, "I promise."

He then sat upright again when the traffic light went green and before you know it we were parked outside the hospital. 

Geo had to carry me there. I heard someone whistle at us, I couldn't see who it was but Geo winked at him and let out a laugh. 

"You two are cute as hell!" The guy then yelled. 

"Thanks!" Geo yelled back, soon after opening the door to the hospital. A concerned looking lady sitting behind a desk stared at the both of us and then asked Geo what had happened. After Geo explained everything she gave us directions to some room. Geo looked down at me and we both burst into thunders of laughter which only caused my ribs to kill. 

"I can't believe this is happening right now." Chuckled Geo, pushing open a door to a room full of old looking people sitting down, waiting to be called. Geo sat down with me and sat me on his lap. 

I rolled my eyes but felt too stiff and hurt to move. 

"I hurt all over.." I moaned. 

Geo rubbed my back for reassurance and then squeezed my hand. 

"You'll be fine babe." He smiled. I smiled back, but I knew that my eyes were sad.

I was really starting to like Dylan. I even wanted to be his friend. 

But this is what I deserve in a way. I didn't listen to Geo. I had a sense that Dylan was fake, but I just pushed away the thought. And now the long awaited consequence has come.

I just didn't expect the consequence to be this bad. 

Torn up. ~Flamingeos FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now