Chapter 100 (YAYY!! :))

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This story is violent and graphic, so please don't read if you're sensitive to that kind of stuff. 

It was 6am.

I was standing outside in the freezing cold with Geo who was tightly holding my hand. I knew he was as scared as I was.

He's free. He's free from this disgusting place.. but I don't think he's free from his anxiety. I certainty am not, anyway.

Right now, as we stand like two depressed couples, staring at a boy who I love so much being rushed into a ambulance, tears are filling inside of our eyes and my legs are shaking in fear.

I don't know what happened. And I don't want to know. All I know is that someone is after us. 

There was a note. It was in my trembling hand, covered in a dark red blood. 

This is what you get. It said. Now you know the heart break he felt when he watched him loose you. Now he can rest in peace from the misery and stress that overwhelmed him day by day. But this isn't all. I'm after you, Lucy. Just you wait for the rest I have in store.

The police couldn't do anything about the letter. They're going to do some DNA tests but they said that that's really all they can do. The writer probably hid their DNA anyway. I'm doomed, my life is about to take a turn. 

Jack's in the hospital. But he's too damaged to be alive. He's dead, completely dead. 

"It's not your fault.." Geo whispered after I burst into tears. He then kissed my head and stroked my hand with his thumb. 

I didn't respond. I couldn't. I felt dizzy, everything was spinning and my breathing was going too quickly. 

Who else is next? Geo? Mario? 

Geo's brother then ran towards us with his girlfriend and gasped in horror when his eyes gazed upon a pool full of blood and some ripped out pieces of Jack. 

"Lucy.. I.. I don't know what to say." He whispered.

I looked up at him and burst into more tears when Geo's brothers eyes went even wider with fear. My face is covered in blood from when I collapsed onto Jack and began kissing his cheeks, and so is my entire body. My mascara is running, my makeup is all smudged. I look like a disgrace.  

"Geo.. could I speak to you?"

Geo nodded and then disappeared with his brother, leaving me awkwardly stranded with the girlfriend. She gave me a sympathetic smile and then walked closer to me. She didn't touch me, but she offered me a pack of tissues. It probably wont do much but at least it was something. I wiped the blood off my hands and face and then thanked her.

I then looked behind me to see Geo with his brother. Geo's brother looked nervous but Geo just looked furious. 

"I'll speak to them." The girlfriend told me. I nodded and watched her as she ran towards them and began agreeing with her boyfriend.

Whatever they're talking about, I hope it has nothing to do with me.


"I DON'T CARE IF I DIE!" I yelled to my brother, feeling tears stream down my cheeks from anger, "I CAN'T LEAVE HER, SHE WONT BE ABLE TO COPE!"

"Your going to have to." My brother sighed, obviously trying to be the calm one in this situation. He then put his hand on my shoulder and stared into my eyes with such sadness that I burst into tears. "I know what it's like to love someone with all your heart, but you're too young to die. Staying with Lucy would mean that someone is going to try to kill you. It isn't worth it."

I shook my head and then crouched onto the floor, covering my head with my hands. I can't. But I should. But I can't. But I have to. 

My brother then crouched down beside me and let out a sigh. He rubbed my back in reassurance and gave me a smile when I looked up at him. 

"You can finally spend time with your family other than spending time running after her." He told me. I clenched my fists in anger but didn't bother to defend Lucy. 

"Should we just leave her?" My brothers girlfriend asked, her head turned to the right as she stared at Lucy nervously. "I mean, she seems like she wants to be alone anyway.."

My brother nodded and then opened his car. I hesitated for a while, staring at Lucy with tears filling inside of my eyes. But I then let out a sigh and walked into the car, quickly closing the door before I changed my mind. I can't leave her like this. There must be a way for me to carry on hanging out with her without the person who killed Jack finding out. I'll find a way, I have to..


I gasped in shock when I turned behind to see if Geo was okay. He wasn't there, and to make things worse the car was gone as well. He just left me on my own, with no one to go to. 

I should have chosen Jack. He would have stayed with me. He would have grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, soon after kissing me whilst exchanging genuine, happy smiles, if it was Geo who got murdered. He would have helped me. 

Only yesterday me and Geo were talking about raising a family together. What is up with him? 

I slowly made my way to my apartment whilst staring at the floor full of rain in pure depression. I was asked to join Jack in the hospital but I couldn't say yes, it would be too hard for me to watch his lifeless face get treated by panicked doctors and surgeons. 

"Lord, please forgive me." I whispered, now staring in front of me whilst shocked and disgusted looking strangers walked past me. "I've made a terrible mistake.. and I'm learning from it."

You've still  got me Lucy. A voice like Jack's whispered into my mind. I'll never stop loving you.

I knew I was just imagining things, but I still felt slightly comforted. 

I then remembered the moment when I first kissed Jack. I hated him, I thought he was arrogant and disgusting for cheating on Isla. I should have just showed no interest in him. Then everyone would be happy. Jack would be happy, Isla would be happy, Jack's family would be happy. Jack would still be alive and I'd still have Geo. 

I grabbed out my phone and went onto messaging. 

Hey Oliver. I know you hate me but I need to tell you something important.

I then switched off my phone, buried my head into my hands and exploded in so many tears that I felt like I was going to faint.

This chapter was actually so hard for me to write. I don't want Jack to die but I feel like if every story I made went the way I wanted it to go it'll just be boring. Tbh I shipped Jucy loads and I'm gonna miss them so much, but there's a lot more happy, romantic scenes to come, even if Geo and Lucy never see each other again.. 

Also, sorry I couldn't use all of the ideas which were offered. I did bail him out but I wanted to make this chapter differently. 

ALSO I SWEAR THE STORY GETS BETTER! I know that this story seems like it's going downhill but it isn't going to be what it seems like it's gonna be like!

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