Chapter 92

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"MARIO!" I yelled the second I saw him. His eyes scanned across the field and when our eyes met he flashed me a smile and began walking quickly so he'd get to me sooner.

"It might not work. How much is it to get bailed out?" Mario asked, not looking too hopeful. But I still had a huge rush of excitement and Adrenalin run through my veins. 

"About five thousand pounds- uh I mean dollars." I told him, still not getting used to American words. 

Mario bit his lip whilst staring at the floor in thought and then looked back up at me. "I was thinking about setting up a fund raising thing or something to bail Geo out. So like, his fans and friends and stuff would pay money in there to help."

I stopped in my tracks and stared at Mario with wide eyes. I then grabbed his hand and gasped: "Mario you're a genius!"

"Well.." Mario grinned, "I suppose you could say that."

I playfully rolled my eyes and then went on my phone to tweet the idea. But before I pressed send Mario quickly snatched my phone off me and gave me a glare. 

"No. First we need to see if it'll work, then we'll announce it."

"Whatever." I sighed, even though I knew he was right. I just can't wait, I want him out now. I want to run away with him now. I want to be in his arms and hold his soft hand and feel him play with my hair now.

But.. I also want Jack now. I want to break him and Ariel up and be able to call Jack mine.

And Geo doesn't want to go out with me anymore, he broke up with me. How could I forget..

"What's up?" Mario asked, looking genuinely concerned. I looked at him for a second but then quickly looked away and stared at the floor. Should I tell Mario?

Who cares, it's not like he'll tell anyone.

"Geo.. he broke up with my yesterday.."

"Oh.." Mario whispered. I let out a sigh and felt my shoulders drop. 

"I'll tell Geo now in prison but.. I don't think he'll be interested in coming back to me or anything." 

I felt a tear drop down my cheeks and I quickly wiped it away, trying to somehow hide my face so Mario wouldn't see me crying. Luckily he was staring at the floor whilst walking with me so he couldn't tell. 

"Well.. I'll wait for you in the car whilst you talk to him." Mario murmured, jumping in the car. I slammed the door shut and then leaned my head against the seat whilst staring ahead in a strop. My hopes were so high for this. There still is a chance that Geo will want me back but it is very unlikely, Geo's changed into a mature young man who has no time for immature kids like me. 

I swear I say that so much. But I really think that this time it's true. 

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Mario said after ten minutes of silence. He then parked outside of the grim prison and patted my back for reassurance. "Everything will turn out fine in the end, trust me."

Omg 40k views!! Thank you guys so much!! I know I say that a lot but I genuinely mean it!! asdfghjklll this is crazyyyyyy

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