Chapter 145

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It was the next morning.

The sky was dark and gloomy, and my room had a strange feeling to it. It felt depressing and lonely, and for once in my life I wished I was in school instead.  Geo's eyes slightly brightened up in happiness when mine met his, but the sadness in his face soon overcame everything. 

"Are you okay babe?" I asked, completely oblivious to what he was upset about. 

"Lucy." Geo began, sounding as though he was finding it difficult to talk to me. He then let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes. "Lucy we need to talk."

Panic rose inside of me after Geo spoke. "W-what's happened?" 

Geo went to reply but then his lips began wobbling. He let out a sigh of annoyance and then whispered a swear word under his breath as more tears began streaming down his cheeks. At first I was confused... but then realisation hit me. In seconds I was by the door, ready to slam it open. But Geo had something to say. 

"Before you go... please try and make Mario feel better. He's there with her, I don't think another crying person would help."

I nodded and then ran back out to see her. Her body was spread out on the bed in an awkward angle, and Mario was there sitting with her, clutching her hand. He wasn't crying... but his face was tear stained and his eyes was filled with a pain so extreme that it made me want to burst into tears just looking at him. I slowly sat beside him as I awkwardly placed one of my hands above his, which was trembling. 

"She was too young..." Mario whispered as he stared at thin air. 

I didn't say anything. There was no need to. Instead, I stayed sitting with him in silence. The pain he must be feeling right now must be horrible. The torment I felt when having to accept the fact that Jack "died" was like a stab in my heart, but this would be ten times worse. Ariel is Mario's other half... quite literally. Their like twin siblings who have to do everything together. They both don't have many friends... but they have each other. And that makes them the happiest people alive. It makes them be able to light up a room by just entering it. Their happiness is so pure that it could make the grumpiest person smile. But now Ariel is just a memory. 

I couldn't help myself, the tears were impossible to stop. So many of them escaped from my china blue eyes as I stared helplessly at Ariel. 

"It was Loren, wasn't it?"

I didn't reply. Something told me it wasn't Loren. Something told me that someone else was joined in on this sick plan... but who would it be? That's what I really want to know... 

"We'll just have to wait and see." I answered as my head fell forward. 

"We knew that our lives were in danger ever since Loren killed Jack." Mario thought out loud as his pain stricken eyes stared at nothing again, "but we loved you so much that we decided to take the risk. Big mistake."

A pang of anger hit me after Mario basically blamed everything on me so I had to bite my tongue to not snap back at him. He's upset right now so he has every right to be angry. It's what happens when you're upset. 

"Geo's family isn't happy with him staying with you, y'know." Mario suddenly sounded furious at me. His sad eyes changed to rage and his body seemed to have tensed up. "He'll be taken away from you before you know it."

I stayed sitting for a while, trying to think of ways to make Geo safe. To make Geo be able to stay with me without getting hurt or even killed.

But nothing came to me. Nothing made my eyes go wide in excitement or make me feel hope. Geo's life is in danger. Anything could happen to him.

It hurts me to say this but... is Geo staying with me a good idea? 

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