Chapter 19

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There was something about her which I disliked the second I saw her eye to eye.

She smiled at us, hugged Geo and then hugged me. She seemed fine, but I suppose you could say I was jealous.

Geo looked at her the way he looks at me. With a sparkle in his eyes and a huge smile. And she looked at him exactly the same way.

Maybe i'm just some overly jealous girlfriend who has trust issues. To be honest, I think I am just that. I've gone through a lot and it takes me a while to trust someone. I'm not even sure if I fully trust Geo yet. I didn't want to hate on Loren. I know that her and Geo are like best friends, and if Geo likes her then why shouldn't I?

"I'm so glad I got to meet you Lucy!" She squealed after her and Geo had a conversation about god knows what. I was just staring at the floor, daydreaming. I knew that she only said that so I wouldn't feel left out. To be honest, I didn't really care.

I smiled at her but didn't say anything. I didn't want to, I was so mad and jealous and wanted to be nothing but petty at that moment. I knew that I was acting stupid for she seems really nice. But she obviously has a crush on my boyfriend and he's completely loving it.

"Umm.. i'll go get drinks!" She said, clearly trying to sound cheerful but I could tell that she was just feeling awkward. I nodded and Geo smiled at her. But when she left Geo gave me a frown whilst he sat far away from me.

"What is up with you today?" He spat, his frown not leaving his face. I sighed and carried on staring at my feet.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Ugh, I hate it when you do this to me." He complained, rolling his eyes. "She's a nice girl, do you really hate her because of Ariel?"

I didn't reply. I don't hate her because of that, I don't hate her at all actually. I'm just annoyed at the way she looks at MY boyfriend and the way he looks at her. And how Geo completely left me out and didn't care, at least Loren had the decency to say something to me. I just feel like a third wheel when Loren should be that.

But I didn't say any of that to Geo. I thanked Loren when she sat in between me and Geo and gave us a hot chocolate each. Geo's face brightened up and the smile which I always give him appeared again.

Then there was silence. Loren awkwardly smiled at us, soon afterwards taking a sip of her hot chocolate. Geo obviously didn't care, he stared at the ground with moody eyes, obviously because of me. I just felt uncomfortable.

After about twenty seconds of not saying anything, I decided to break the silence seeing as Geo or Loren don't have any intentions on doing so.

"So.. when are you going on tour?" I asked, trying my best to sound polite.

"Oh I'm not going actually!" She chuckled, looking relieved for someone to finally say something. I couldn't bear to look at her. She's so pretty, she makes me feel like a potato. "I couldn't go without Geo, so hopefully i'll get to spend as much time as possible with you two!"

It took a lot to not scream in frustration. Is she kidding me? Did she REALLY just have the decency to say that?

That's it. I've had enough.

"I.. um.. i'll come back." I stammered. I then ran off to phone Ariel.

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