Chapter Twelve

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Almost a month later...

Everything seemed to moving along. Ramón turned seventeen, and on his birthday he admitted to having feelings for me. He didn't wanna rush me into anything though. Especially with the Calvin madness. I was elated that he felt the same way I did. The guys all unfriended Calv. Jaymon and Kyla stopped playing. I'd lost so much weight. Not only from not eating, but from all the hyper active things I was engaging into. Calvin was sent off to this behavioral program for domestic violence for six months. My depression was on my side for once. My father and I even had a heart to heart. He and I vowed not to tell my mom of what had been happening while she was fighting for her life. It would stress her out too much and make her health condition worse. Even my momadukes was getting better. Things seemed to look up from here. Hell it was a new year, 2013. And it definitely brought new things.

"Deadass?" Ramón asked Mal.

"Deadass, Aaron was so fuckin' embarrassed. I mean we was in the movie theaters." Mal cackled.

Jaymon, Kyla, Leo, Mal, Ramón and I were chilling in the room I'd been staying in with Kyla just talking about the craziest things we ever did. Mal was telling the time she gave Aaron a bad job in the movie theater, and his cum got all on her jacket sleeve. Graphic, but it was fucking hilarious.

"What about you?" She asked Jaymon.

"Well, this one time I was fuckin' my ex when we was together, and she kept sayin' she had to piss. I'm like, nah nah. That shit 'boutta be that wet wet. Tell me why ha ass actually peed on me."

Everyone was cackling so hard at his little crazy ass story. Jaymon wild as shit boy.

"You had that supa' soaka' forreal b. Yo!" Ramón hit his shoulder.

"Bitches be like, nah I'm a squirter!" Leo said.

The laughter got worse and we were just cutting up having a good ole time. I was laughing so heard I started feeling weak. An abnormal weak. I chuckled trying to stand up.

"I'ma 'boudda go to the bodega. Was good?" I stood up.

"I'll go witchu'." Ramón said.

I smiled getting ready to walk out the door of the room when I collapsed.


A nigga had been blacking out too much lately. I finally regained my consciousness, seeing I was obviously back in a hospital. The IV was hooked in my arm and everything. I pulled on the nurse string to buzz in whomever was assigned to me. I needed to know why I was here, and I needed to know now. Before the nurse even got in, the crew came piling in with snacks and balloons and shit. What the fuck?

"Rae Rae, you woke!" Kyla squeaked handing me the teddy she bought. 

Everyone rushed around me asking all types of questions if I was okay and shit, that was before the nurse cane rushing in.

"Raelynn, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why am I here?" I asked.

"Um, your doctor will tell you sweetheart."

I nodded and she left. Ramón came over and say on the bed next to me.

"You good mamas?" He asked.

"I feel fine. Why am I here? I know I fainted. But, why they keeping me?" I questioned.

"We'on know. They ran a couple tests. But you were out when that happened. We all was just waitin' for you to wake up. Mal was overreactin' talm 'bout some damn flowers and balloons. I still gotchu' some though." He cheesed.

"Thanks Ramón."

"No problem mami." He winked at me.

Eventual the doctor came in to see me making everyone clear the room. Asking me was I well, and about my habits. If I'd been drinking, smoking, any form of harm to my body. He asked me had I been eating properly and I told him I wasn't because that's the only thing I was guilty of. I couldn't understand why he was asking so many fucking questions.

"Doc, what does this gotta do wit' shit? Are you gonna tell me what's wrong wit' me and why I'm still in this freezin' hospital?" I asked.

"We're getting to that Ms. Dane. My last question is have you been putting any strain on your body? Have you been stressing out about anything?"

"Well yes, to both of those. Shits been hectic this past month. So I have been putting strain on myself, why?"

"Uh huh, so Ms. Dane. The reason why you're still here is because we wanted to make sure that you don't do the following of what you're doing. It could result badly on what's going on inside of you."

"And what's going on?" I asked.

"Ms. Dane, you're four weeks pregnant."

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