Dean Winchester x Reader Imagine: Lier

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"What the hell?" I said stepping out of the Impala soaked in blood. The boys and I just got back from a hunt where honeymooners were being killed on their honeymoons. Of course it was a demon. More like 5 to be exact. Sam made Dean and I pose as honeymooners of course and I said something to Dean and now he's been In a bad mood ever since.
    When Sam said we really into the whole act and would make a good couple, I rolled my eyes as said "Us? Seriously Sammy? You're nuts," and laughed it off. Apparently Dean didn't think like me.

     I entered the bunker and went into my bathroom. I heard Sam and Dean arguing about something assuming it was the hunt.
   I showered off washing my hair as well. I jumped out and heard a knock on my door. I jumped at the sound of it. I wrapped a towel around me and opened my bathroom door.
    "(Y/N)" Cas greeted me. Face going red.
     "Oh hey!" I said casually leaning against my door frame.
     "How do you feel about me?"
     "You're Cas....I think you're awesome."
     "No like do you like-like me?" He asked.
    "As a brother..." I asked my voice going higher as if I was asking a question.
      Then he disappeared.

   After I got dressed, I ran around the bunker for awhile, cleaning things and then I was cooking dinner.
   Sam came into the kitchen.
  "(Y/N)? Do you like me?"
  "As a moose..." I said my eyes on the pan in front of me.
"Enough...Cas did the same damn thing! What's going on here?!" Sam slowly backed away from me. "Sam Winchester you get your ass back here." I chased him around the bunker yelling at him. "Why are you and Cas being IDIOTS!!" Sam slowed down and I jumped on him and pinned him to the ground. "You tell me what's going on right now or I swear I will cut you." I said looking into his eyes. "You know I know how to..." I had been in the age before Sam came along and then Cas pulled us both out.

"Okay okay!!" Sam sighed. "Dean has something to tell you..." He said.
"Where is he?"
"My God! Why is he so God damn typical!" I got off Sam and sighed. "How long till he gets back?"
"Maybe 30 minutes...?"
"Imma go clean my room." I walled to my room.
Inside was a green flannel and a pair of acid wash jeans folded on my bed with a note in Cas's handwriting..
"Sorry (Y/N) is something to wear when you get the news. Trust me with this...Gabriel helped me pick this out since he wanted to."
I put on the flannel over a black cami and put on black combat boots.
I put my hair in a side braid and started cleaning my room.
I put some laundry away and vacuumed it.
After about 35-40 minutes of cleaning I heard the door open.
"(Y/N)?" It was Dean.
"Yeah Dean...?" I said casually coming out of my room.
"(Y/N)! Hey...I have something to ask you."
"I love you (Y/N). Will you go out with me?" He smiled at me.
"You're lying. Why would you like me?" I chuckled. "Good prank good prank." I patted his back and walked over to Sam and Cas. "You guys had me fooled." I broke out laughing and went to my room to read.
(Time skip)
"(Y/N)?" Cas came into my room.
"Yeah Cas?" I said putting my book down.
"Can I show you something?"
"Yeah sure." Cas grabbed my hand and led me to the living room where Dean had a table set up with candles and he was in a tux. "I'm not dressed f-" I started but Cas snapped his fingers and I was in a black strapless dress with sequins lining the skirt bottom.
"(Y/N)...I really do love you." Dean pulled a chair out for me and when I looked back to Cas for help, he was gone.
"Thanks..." I mumbled as I sat in the chair.Dean sat across from me and we talked all during dinner.

(Time skip)
"Dean..." I said as I was back at my room.
"Where have you been young lady?!" Sam said behind me.
"Leave her alone Sam! She was on a date! Can't you see that!" Gabs said.
"You is this? Does he have a job? How old is he? Is he-"
"I am sorry for him." Gabe snapped his fingers and Sam's mouth was glued shut. "Did you guys have a good time?! Oh! Of course you did! Now I better have some grand babies!!!!"
"Gabe!" I yelled as I turned around to face him.
"What?! I'm not getting any younger here!"
"I hope I can see you again." Dean kissed me and I went inside my room and leaned against my doorway.
I just got Dean Winchester

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