Dean x Reader: Diary of the Dead

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"No!" I screamed as the vamp bit down on Sam's neck. Y/N ran over and pulled the vamp off of him, pinning it against the wall.
"Don't you dare touch them again!" She cut it's head off and back away, turning to Sam as I ran over. "Sam? Sam??" She shook him. Sam breathed and groaned, reaching up to his neck and Y/N collapsed into my chest, breathing a sigh of relief.
She stood up, outstretching her hand to help me up. I grabbed it and she 'helped' to pull me up and when I got up I pulled her close, happy she was alive. Sam stood soon after and we all walked to baby.
"Dean!! Hel-" I heard Y/N's screams become distant then cease. Sam turned to me with concern lacing his face.
"Y/N!! Y/N!!!" We both were running after the direction her screams came from, yelling her name. We both ran to find a vamp in front of us.
"Ah- the Winchester boy's. Damn would I like to suck you both dry, and I don't mean your blood." She smirked and stepped towards us, flashing her teeth.
"Where's Y/N." I said, drawing out my machete.
"Oh, that poor girl. She was a quick drain with how small she was. Ha! Didn't even feed one vamp enough. But now we got you boys." She laughed and went at me but I quickly fought back and decapitated her.
Sam grabbed my arm as we saw an arm laying freely from a bush.
We walked over, expecting to see a hurt victim, but when Sam pulled the body was Y/N.
She was pale and lifeless, completely drained.
I reached down, she was already cold, she was dead...

Sam put his hand on my shoulder as he knelt down with me, helping me mourn her.

I took a couple shallow breaths and screamed up towards the sky, tears breaking free.

I shot up in bed and looked over at Y/N to-

I swung my legs over the bed and rubbed my hands over my tired face. It's been 2 weeks and I'm still reliving that nightmare. Not able to sleep at all, getting little to no sleep, my brain torturing me. I sigh as I push myself up rising and walking to the kitchen. The clock reads 2:37 AM and I shake my head, opening the fridge.
I take out a bottle of water and sit at the table. I usually get closure by now, but I can't shake the feeling there's something off about Y/N's death. There's no way they would've drained her that fast.
Now I'm just making excuses.
I heard footsteps as Castiel entered the kitchen. "I thought I heard you get up." He sat across from me and tried to get a read on my head. "It's the nightmares again, isn't it?"
"Cas, I can't help it. I see her die every night over and over. I can't shake the feeling that something was wrong with her death."
"Well yeah Dean, she was killed that's wrong, she was so young and-"
"No, not like that. There's no way they would've drained her that fast. We killed the only Vampire that was left and she couldn't have drained Y/N before coming to us, it was too little of time."
"Did you burn her body?"
" I couldn't bring myself to do it."
"Where is she?"

I brought Castiel down to the basement where I kept Y/N's body in the freezer. I uncovered her and Cas took a long look before reaching his hand out and opening her mouth.
"What are you-"
"Quiet Dean."
He took a deep breath and out came...her grace?
Castiel put it into a vial. "She was an angel Dean."
"Well obviously, you just pulled her grace out of her. But how? She was dead!"
"Angels can keep their grace if not killed properly. Her vessel is the original host of her angel grace, therefore the wounds to her body are real. I have Jimmy's vessel so I don't feel the pain unless inflicted with an angel blade."
"Can we bring her back?"
"We'll have to make a call."
I look at him confused. Can't he just infuse the grace pack?
"To Rowena."


"Oh boys, I haven't used this is centuries." Rowena laid a book down on the table.
"What is it?" Sam asked. "How is a book going to save Y/N?"
"She was an original host, therefore by infusing a page with her grace and a drop of her blood I can reveal the legend of her kind, finding a cure to revive her. Hopefully, of course."
"Rowena, it's not hopefully, you will bring her back." I said.
"Alright. Here's her grace and a vial of her blood, warmed. Also, you forgot to mention a feather from her wings." Castiel gave Rowena the supplies and she dropped some blood on the parchment and it lit up, a vial projecting from the page as she poured the grace in, and then laid the feather down.
Y/N's face came and went, an illusion shown by magic. "In order to revive this ancient being, one must find the 'Diary of the Dead'. There you will find death's revival spells and cures. It's last recorded location was Death's Library in 1863." The voice faded and Rowena sighed.
"One of us has to die and go see Billy." Sam beat her to the punch. "I'll do it."
"No, Dean should. She seems to have a liking to him the most out of all of us."
"He's not wrong Dean." Rowena looked at me, concern filling her eyes.
"Fine but who's gonna do it?" Cas put his hand up and next thing I knew I was in Deaths Library.

"Oh Dean." Billy stood in front of me. She rolled her eyes and looked me up and down. "We've talked about your final death. You think Castiel will be the one to kill you? What do you want?"
Annoyance was laced within her voice. I knew getting it was going to be difficult, but it's not like I could go run and find it.
"I need the Diary of the Dead." Billy's eyes went wide.
"You can't have that. I'll just revive you myself-"
"No! Billy, it's Y/N."
Her demeanor changed instantly. "Yeah, she arrived early today. She's one of the last original grace hosts. I can't give you the Diary of the Dead, but I can help."
"And how are you going to do that? I need the book so I can bring her back myself."
"Yeah sure, you'll just use the kiss of death yourself."
"The what now?"
"One of the ingredients is the kiss of death. Only I can give you that. The other ingredients are relatively simple, but I'll give them to you here." She lead me to her office. "The skull of an original vampire, crushed." She placed a small bag on the table. "12 milligrams of Djin blood." A vial next to that, "and you'll need the ashes of her ancestors. Here." She placed down a small urn. "And of course," she kissed a card and placed it in an envelope magically sealing it. "the kiss of death. When you open that, you will only have a few seconds to place it on her mouth. That's the last step. You'll mix all of this together and place an 'X' over her chest and then it should ignite the fire of life. When that happens open the envelope and place it on her lips. That should bring her back." Billy sighed. "I'm not sure why I help you boys cheat death, but it's not like you two die permanently either."
"I can't thank you enough-" Before I could finish I was back in the bunker. "Alright bitch."

Rowena painted the 'X' on Y/N's chest and recited the ritual given to her in the book. The flame ignited and I opened the card and placed it on her lips. The flame went out. "I did everything right!!" I yelled, throwing the card down. "She should be alive!"

"Somethings not right." Rowena said, trying to analyze it.
"Her grace." Cas said. He swallowed hard. "Hers is in the book so she has to use mine since we have a connection. Gabriel is dead." He cut his throat and out came some of his grace into her mouth. Her body took a large breath in and her eyes shot open, her coughing. "Y/N!"
"Dean? Sam?" She looked around as I helped her up off the table and placed my flannel over her. "Rowena? Cas? What happen-" She saw the ingredients and tears welled up in her eyes. "I died."
"But you're back baby!" I tried to bring her in for a hug.
"You brought me back?" She felt her neck, "I don't have my own grace..." She choked on her tears and my heart broke.
"Cas used some of his."
"Now he's tied to an original host Dean, if one of us dies, we both die." Cas and her made eye contact and they both looked devastated.
"Dean, I love you." She turned to me and our lips met and molded together. "But we've gotta be careful now. Castiel and I are tied together through a grace bond. It's dangerous."
"The wee lass is right boys." Rowena sighed as she packed her stuff. "I can give you two a protection potion, but it'll only last for about a year before it wears off and you two are completely vulnerable." Rowena set two bottles on the table. "Use it wisely. Don't be dumb. It was good seeing you boys." Rowena was gone just like that....
"Let's just all go to bed and we'll figure this all out in the morning ok?" Y/N led the way to the rooms and she fell down onto our bed.
"Are you okay babe?"
"Yeah, I just want to sleep."
"Alright..." She rolled over and was out within minutes. I stripped down to my boxers and climbed in with her. I figured she'd be happier about being back...why do I get the feeling she's upset with me?

I'll ask her in the morning I guess.


This isn't the best but it's something for y'all. I might make a part 2 and I should have a part 3 of the Jensen x reader called Comicon soon as well!!

Love you all and hopefully you enjoy this little drabble :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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