Dean x Reader: Nightmare

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'Dean!' I screamed as he falls to the ground, now dead. The gunshot had rung through the woods. I look around me, everyone dead except me. Cas vanished, Sam and Dean shot. I laid in the wet grass and mud and sobbed as I awaited my own demise. I heard the cock of a shotgun and I looked up, seeing the face that killed my family. 'Do it.' I said, as straight as possible. I looked him in eye. He had taken everything from me; my family, my angel, my best friends. He slowly raised the gun to my head and the gun went off.

"NO!" I show up in bed, Dean quickly appearing at my door. Worry covered his face as he looked at me.
"Hey, what happened?" He cautiously entered, making his way over to sit next to me.
"I had a bad dream, I'm fine."
"No you're not, you're face says it all." He made me look at him. "You saw him again, didn't you?"
I nodded, "I can't get him out of my head Dean. I'm so scared he's gonna take you three as well." Tears lined the brim of my eyes.
"I won't let that happen." He brought me into a hug as the tears began to fall. It was one of my biggest fears. One time on a hunt, my parents got shot by a man hunting my family down, I still don't know why he's after us but he was and still is.
His hand rubbed up and down on the small of my back and his chin rested on my head. "I'm here." He kisses my forehead and let me cry into his chest. I felt comfort with him, he'd done this spiel before, so he knew what helped the most. "I'll be right back, I think I know what'll help you." He laid me down and then exited the room and quickly returned with a hoodie of his. He helped me put it on and then sat down and pulled my hair up.
"Better?" He looked at me and pulled my blankets up.
"Could you stay?" I whispered as he started to walk out. He froze, startled and surprised. But Dean smiled and came back, laying down next to me and helping me fall back asleep.

Hey- sorry this is a short one but I plan to get back at this book. I've written down some ideas and hope to get a bunch of them written in the next couple days.

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