Dean x Reader: Mamma Mia

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I wake up on the bunker floor. What the hell? I looked around and saw that the women was gone, and she took Sam. Cas still wasn't back either. I stood up and grabbed medical supplies, wrapping my arm up where she shot me. I extracted the bullets and put some antibiotics on it. It stung like hell, but it had to be done. I head down to the kitchen and grab a bottle of the strongest whiskey we have. I take a chug and look into my bathroom mirror, stitching up my forehead where he smacked with with her pistol to knock me out cold. I yelled as I started, the pain strong. I took one hand and chugged more. I kept weaving the needle, pulling it through my skin. "Fucking Christ." I said to my reflection. I pulled one last time and finished it off. I breathed heavy and stared at the whiskey bottle. "Fuck it." I chugged...the whole thing.

I jumped awake when I heard the bunker door open. I grabbed my gun and a knife. I stuck the knife in my waistband and led my gun at ready. I started down the hall, I heard close footsteps. I hid myself against a column in the library. "Hands in the air, on your knees!" I heard a voice, female. Who the fuck?
"Woah!! Woah!! He's a friend!" He walked right past me, oh my god. I was gonna cry.
"What is he?"
"He's an Angel." I stepped out. Sean turned and his eyes got wide as I stumbled towards him.
"Y/N..." his voice was quiet as he embraced me.
  "How are you alive?" I said. He was standing right in front of me, the love of my life.
   "I'll tell you and Cas everything later, where's Sam?"
  "I have no clue, the three of us, Sam, Cas and I, came back and there was a lady who sent Cas off and then we tried to talk to her but then she shot Sam. I tried to fight her but she shot my arm and then hit me over the head with it. I was knocked out cold. I'm sorry Dean."
  "Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault. I'm just glad your all healed up. You do this?" He ran two fingers gently over my stitches. I winced a little.
"Yeah, whole bottle of whiskey." I looked behind him to see the face to match the female voice. "Oh my-"
  "What's she?"
  "This is my wife. Y/N this is Mary."
  "Your mom. It's so nice to meet you. Did Amara do this? Or was it God?" I shook her hand.
  "Amara I believe. Like I said it's a long story. You two sit and talk, Cas and I have to find out where Sam went." I nodded and showed her to the kitchen.
  "You a hunter too?" She asked as I brought out two beers from the fridge.
  "Yeah, raised one, so I didn't have a choice." I set them down and to my surprise she opened it and drank.
  "How'd you two meet? How's my baby been all these years?"
  "Well, when I met him he was in bad shape. He was only 16 at the time, trying to stay safe with his dad and Sam." I sighed remembering, not sure what to tell her.
  "Okay. What else?"
  "Well, I ran into him during a hunt that day and we torched the sons of bitches. Then about 7 years, maybe 8 years later I found him and Sam in a vamps nest and saved their asses." She nodded. "Then I ran into them and helped them here and there. Um, then about 5 years ago, I moved in and Dean and I clicked. We dated for about 2 years and he wanted to seal it before anything happened. We didn't have a big wedding like normal people, he bought a ring and Sam said the things and well, yeah."
  "That's a shame. You guys should've had a big wedding. You guys deserve it with this life." She took the last sip of her bottle.
  "Well, being a hunter doesn't always work out. It's alright."
  "How have my boys been."
  "Saving the world. They are amazing hunters, but I mean, sometimes they aren't the smartest." I laughed a little and shook my head.
  "Mom! Y/N!" Dean shouted.
  "Guess he has some leads." We both smiled at each other and headed into the library.


Sorry that it's shorter than normal imagines. I had the idea but tried to write it so I apologize if it's bad. By the way I'm back to writing in here!!! Yay! I think.

If you have any requests message me, I don't bite.

I'll try to update this more if I can.

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