Castiel x Reader: Hallelujah

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I walked into the bunker, blood covering almost every inch of my clothing, most of it not even my own. Dean put a hand on my back, the boys missed him just about as much as I did.
Castiel was a special being, and not just because he was an angel. He believed in trust, value, human emotions. He believed in love, he believed in us.
Sam walked into my room, and sat on the opposite side of Dean next to me. "Hey Y/N. He'll come back, I know he will." He went to go put a hand on my shoulder but I just broke down in tears. He's been gone for too long, he's gone for good, missing for good.
Dean enveloped me into a giant loving embrace. "I actually found this, it's addressed with your name Y/N." I slowly sat up, and took the small creme envelope that Sam was holding.
Opening it up, Cas's handwriting littered the paper. Emotions flooded through me as I saw it.
There's a lot I needed to say...and I didn't have the time, so I wrote it all down, hoping it would get to you the same...
Sam and Dean left the room, giving me space to read the letter.

Well I heard your prayers from far below

But down in hell, how could you know
I listened, every word you said, I heard ya

But after this
I plead the fifth

Before my fall, after your lift
I swore I heard you say the Hallelujah

"Help! Somebody! Anybody!" Dean screamed and yelled. I could hear him somewhere in here.
"Dean!" I yelled, pain was coursing through every inch of my body.
"Y/N! I'm gonna get you out of here okay? I promise you're gonna be alright. Can you hear me?"
"Yes, I can hear you. I'm so scared."
"Me too, it's gonna be ok, just keep talking to me."
"But I can't, I hurt so bad, it all hurts so bad Dean."
"Stay with me- Y/N-"
"I can't-"
"Y/N! Answer me! Stay with me! Someone help us!!"
After his screams went away, my vision did too.

I woke up, the air thick and my vision blocked, a hand reached down and I heard a male yell. I grabbed the chaliced hand and immediatelyI knew it was Dean's. He pulled me up and I breathed in, the fresh autumn air filling my lungs. I looked up at him, "How the hell are we alive?"
"A miracle."
"Hallelujah to that."

I know you're strong, but I can't explain

I've seen you die over again

Only you would still want to pray to me

"Y/N!" Castiel and Dean ran after me, a vampire pinning me to the wall of the old house.
"Get off you son of a bitch!" I kicked the camp in the chest and he stumbled back, his anger quickly increasing. "Shit-no!" He quickly threw me across the room and my body forcefully hit the ground. Blood spat out of my mouth as he crouched down over me.
"It's a shame I have to kill you, you're awfully pretty." His sharp teeth emerged from his mouth and sank into the skin of my neck before I could even react.
"No! No, no, no, no!!" Castiel ran after the monster hovering over her. Dean stood in shock as he sliced the head off of it and lifted Y/N up, her body clearly drained of life.

"Y/N!" Sam and Dean ran up to me, happy to see me.
"Hey boys."
"You made it back from the hunt! Why weren't you answering your phone?" Sam stood in front of me, making sure it was actually me.
"I, uh, had a little help." I stood aside and Castiel came up beside me, gripping my hand.
"I believe she did not answer your calls because she was 'distracted'." Castiel held up air quotes. My face turned red, and the boys quickly caught on.
Dean put his hands on his hips. "How much 'distraction' are we talking?"
"He may have fallen on me and I may have kissed him. And he may have accidentally gotten a hotel room with of...twooo." I drew out my words, waiting for my brothers to blow up at me.
"Okay, yeah, I don't care. Go shower and we'll go get food." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag off the table, turning around to go shower when Sam stopped me.
"Y/N, what's that?" He pointed to the giant teeth marks in my shoulder. "Please tell me that's not a-"
"Werewolf bite." Dean finished his sentence. He pulled his gun.
"Whoa, whoa Dean calm down we're not gonna kill our sister." Sam stood in front of him. "I'm not having her turn either, and I'm not giving it time for your cure. I can't watch her turn and die or die because of your 'cure'."
"We can make one and keep her tied up, she'll be fine." As Sam reaches for the gun, Dean flinched and it went off, the bullet going straight through my stomach.
I fell to my knees as all three boys ran to my side. "No shit, damnit fuck!" A chain of curse words poured from Deans mouth.
"Look what you made me do Sam!!" Tears were down all three of their faces.
I simply looked down at my blood covered hands as I took my final breath.

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