why ive been gone(not a story)

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Hey guys...it's me and I know this book has been neglected so much and like my other books, it's not been uploaded to for a long time. I can't say I have a good explanation because the reason I've been gone is stupid and foolish of me.

I have addiction issues. I'm admitting it right here, right now. To myself and you guys. It's stupid and I shouldn't have started again. I'm getting help and when it's better I'll try to start again. I'm so sorry for doing this to everyone who's gotten this book where it is right now at 3.72K reads and god do I love that and appreciate it so much but right now my minds not right. I don't wanna put that negativity into my writing.

It's not a feeling I wanna spread around in my work. I'm sorry if you've been expecting an upload. But I write best when I'm sober...not like how I am now.

I can't apologize enough for my actions, and never will be able to.

I'm sorry guys...it wasn't my intention to be this bad. I'll get back to here when I can.

Until then let the song above explain a little more...

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